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  1. P

    plants in need of advice. HELP!!!

    My plants are 2 months old. im growing them to use for mothers but they just dont look happy. 1. Why are my leaves folding inwards on this plant. 2. what are these spots and how do i get rid of them im useing Ocean Forrest dirt and Fox Farm nutes. Feeding my plants by the Fox Farm schedule...
  2. P

    New to indoor, soil questions

    Fox Farm Ocean Forrest is the best. Miracle Grow organic has worked good but comes with a lot of gnats. 24 hours for veg and 12 light 12 dark for flowering
  3. P

    help think my plant is hermie

    my plant is 7 weeks in flowering and I found sacks inside my buds. could it hermied on me or is this normal. the sacks are big, seed size. needs advice before i destroy this plant
  4. P

    quick question

    if its Ocean Forrest then you should be o.k.
  5. P

    which soil is better?

    walmart, MG organic will give you great results. Don't use the nutes cause it will burn your plants like hell.
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    fox farm ocean forrest is what my plants love. I also had good results with MG Organic. a lot of people may disagree but its pretty good soil if you can control the gnats.
  7. P

    3 foot plant. HELP

    I have a 3 foot plant that needs to be flowered but my light only goes to 6 and a half feet, so that only give me 5 and a half of growing space. please tell me what I can do to grow this plant without it out growing my space?
  8. P

    force flowering/need advice

    I grew six plants and force flowered for 8 days. 5 bagseed and one kush. the kush was female and one bagseed was female. they have been back under 24 hours of light for 6 days and still trying too bud. when can I start back taking clones from them?
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    bag weed with a prize

    its a girl. I kinda messed up cause I let her got 3 feet tall before I went 12/12. so I willjust have to clone her.
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    Growbox Idea

    make sure you have good ventilation because heat is going to be a problem
  11. P

    do cops really think we are dumb?

    the hydro store was raided sat. the owner was under a three month investigation and sold the narcs 8lbs during that time frame.
  12. P

    Ban ATL Kush

    this dude is a joke. Im from the area where I saw members from bmf a lot. right now there so far under ground hideing from the law. I don't think he could even handle the time these guys are getting. so why would you be stupid enough to say your bmf. that can be a federal charge by its self...
  13. P

    Cloning Cannabis (How to)

    this thread is da bomb. I was thinking bout cloning in a couple of days and I was nervous. thanks for the tutorial
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    The good, the bad, and the ugly (states to grow in)

    georgia gotta be the worst. 1oz is a felony. 1 to 5 years prison time or 1 to 10 years probation. its all up to the judge
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    do cops really think we are dumb?

    what the law says and what they do with there power is two totally different things. so I guess people think that profileing don't exist either.
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    do cops really think we are dumb?

    hotwired cause that's what your brain has to be and anyone else that thinks this thread is bullshit. just bring you and your big hot shot ass lawyer to georgia and let's see how far you'll get. where I'm from you can be held 72 hours for questioning or an investagation plus it was a holiday...
  17. P

    do cops really think we are dumb?

    dam cop was a rookie. look like he just graduated from highschool. probably used to be a grower and needed some kush clones. lol. I'm sticking to the internet. might be a little safer.
  18. P

    do cops really think we are dumb?

    july 3rd I went to the hydro store and bought soil, nutes, clone kit and a lot of other things. well on my way home I saw that I was being followed by a dam cop. I stopped and ate at buger king and he hide out of sight and waited. so when I leave I notice the bastard is following me again so now...
  19. P

    bag weed with a prize

    I live on the east coast and my friend gets a couple oz's from cali every 3 weeks. Couple weeks ago I was lucky. I fould one small seed in the bag. I'm praying so hard that its a female. put it in the dirt three weeks ago and she's doing wonderful. anyone ever got a seed from a kush bag? how did...