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  1. BuddyJolly

    another dumb preflower question

    This is what is confusing to me. What I have doesn't look like any of those pics at this point. All the male preflowers I have seen seem to grow from a stick like thing, mine do not, the base is flush against the stem. Could this just be a strain issue? Also, they are the same basic teardrop...
  2. BuddyJolly

    another dumb preflower question

    Hey all, please forgive a dumb question, and yes, I am sure that this has been asked somewhere by someone at sometime, so sorry in advance. Here is a fictitious scenario. Lets say that you had a random unknown Indica from bagseed, that you have been growing for a couple months or so, and...
  3. BuddyJolly

    Acid Flashbacks?

    I wouldnt really compare them. Salvia's "trip" is extremely short, but really intense. It comes on very quickly, unlike lsd, and before you know what hit you, it leaves just as suddenly. Acid comes on much more slowly, it is more colorful, more visual, with a geometric, kaleidescope type of...
  4. BuddyJolly

    Acid Flashbacks?

    I don't exactly believe in the whole "flashback" thing. Once you experience LSD, you're perceptions have changed, and this allows you to recognize things that you may not have noticed before. In my day, I must have taken acid at least a hundred times, if not more. I'm not trying to sound cool...