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  1. superskunkgrows

    Next Big Indoor Grow 20+ plants

    what strain is your profile picture?
  2. superskunkgrows

    Theres something funky going on....harvest/flushing questions

    We are seeing vegetative leaf growth right over all the pistils on the top cola. Is this normal? How long do you guys think till harvest? About 50/50 white/red pistils now. Start flushing with a dwc hydroponics system?
  3. superskunkgrows

    7 Wks Into Flower...

    trim all the large leaves accept right around the buds....this will encourage solely bud growth and slow the vertical growth focusing on bud growth. Especially when you are using cfls...cfls get little penetration and leaves can shade the light from getting to parts of the buds you want to. I...
  4. superskunkgrows

    Super Skunk Female Sick...No Idea why...Any help would be awesome

    The plant just begun on a 12/12 cycle with 3 42w CFLs and a fan always running. All the tips of ALL the leaves are having these dark spots at the end of the leaves. I have no idea what it is. I have started the nutrient cycle with fox farms tiger bloom and it is in a deep water culture 10 gallon...
  5. superskunkgrows

    Can you snort shrooms?

    put .7 in a bowl and smoke it straight to the head. I did this with some people and tripped mildly