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  1. Borealis

    Estimate yield?

    Strain: Nirvana Short Rider Autoflowering Age: 32 Days Height apprx. 2 ft
  2. Borealis

    Mysterious holes in leaves?

    Does anyone know exactly what kind of pest is causing this? If so, what is the best way of getting rid of it? The only pesticide product I have right now is neem oil. Does this mean I have to spray the plant every time new leaves grow? Are there better products I can buy?
  3. Borealis

    Mysterious holes in leaves?

    Can someone tell from the picture below what is causing these holes to appear on the leaves? I've been inspecting the leaves for the past several days, and I can't find a single bug on or under any of the leaves, yet these holes keep appearing. What's more intriguing is that this plant is...
  4. Borealis

    Seedling's first leaf set is curling upward along the edges. Cause?

    So I'm supposed to disregard the curling?
  5. Borealis

    Seedling's first leaf set is curling upward along the edges. Cause?

    Can someone identify what is causing the edges of this seedling's first leaf set to curl upwards? Here are some specifications: Strain: Nirvana Short Rider (a short, feminized autoflowering strain) Age: 8 days since it first reached the soil surface. Humidity: 30-40% (might be a little too...