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  1. S

    BT and Neem Oil

    I stop the neem as soon as flowers start to form and the BT I do spray about 4 weeks into flower. I know that’s a bit late but once buds are really starting to take shape I stop. And even then, by the end of flower those damn catapillers will be starting to show themselves. I was just asking for...
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    BT and Neem Oil

    So I have a question I’ve been wondering about. So I normally spray with Neem oil&Soap one day and then spray with BT about 2to3 days later. I started to wonder, am I spraying the Neem oil right off the plant by spraying BT 2 days after? I kind of assumed that was the case so what I’ve been...
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    Nor Cal, delayed flowering?

    I’m In SoCal and was wondering the same thing. Im normally showing pre flowers by mid July and full on flowering by the beginning of August. I have 4 HeadBand plants in the ground (plgrowers choice, feminized) that I started a bit late but as of this morning not 1 of them has flipped into...
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    Time To Flush??

    Awesome. Good to know. Then I guess they're really gonna pack on some weight still. How late into flower is it safe to spray BT? This is the first time I've had no issues with caterpillars or any other pests (aside from a raccoon who likes to eat half a tomato every other night) I dont wanna...
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    Time To Flush??

    I have 2 ladies that are starting their 6th week of flower. With how fast they've grown in relation to the trainwreck I have around them I figured 8 weeks to finish. I was going to start my flush tomorrow but I'm second guessing myself. Mainly because all the leaves are still so green. Nothing...
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    Mold? Fungus?

    Thanks guys. That plant is an unknown bagseed but I noticed a few small spots on 3 of my 5 trainwreck. Need to stop that shit before it gets out of control.
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    Mold? Fungus?

    I need some help here. We had a day of rain here in SoCal 2 days ago and I'm wondering if the moisture caused some mold or if this is fungus or what. I just noticed it on a couple spots on only 1 healthy lady. My butternut squash across the garden started to show some powdery mildew? I think. I...
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    Nitrogen Def?

    No they all get the same amount of sunlight. Only difference is everything else is in the ground, not pots We had a full day of rain here in SoCal 2 days ago and I had moved them under some protection so they were still in that spot when I snapped those pics.
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    Nitrogen Def?

    These two ladies have had issues since they sprouted. The better looking one was dug out of the ground and put into a pot and left in a hot car for almost 24 hrs and almost killed at the beginning of flower but I brought her back so I'm surprised it's even alive. The other is in Ocean Forest...
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    How To Clone

    So I had to trim up a few of my ladies up out back ll(lol 7th<since they're getting ready to flower and space was getting tight. I've got a few seasons under my belt but am by no means a pro. I'm still 100% a struggling amateur who learns a bit each season and gets a little better each year...
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    Any so cal growers lose their crop yet.

    It got up to 108 in my backyard. I have 2 plants still outside. 1 was a week and a half away from harvest and the other 3 or 4 weeks. Both are in 25 gallon smart pots and they did ok. Gave them 2 gallons of water in the morning and another in the afternoon. During the hottest part of the day...
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    These pics were taken yesterday. Im planning on chopping her down next tuesday, oct 4. But I thought id ask the guru what he thinks :-P. Ive had so many problems with this one from spidermites budworms and nute burn..She still has a mite problem but i think its gonna turn out just fine. Another...
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    Rain in so cal

    I dont have a cover for my plants. Good thing today is my day off. I woke up at 8:00 and said oh shit! Rain!? Its still misting at 10:30 where im at. So ive just been shaking all my branches every 30 min or so. I Dont think it should be a big deal. I am 5 weeks into flower with some nice big...
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    Spider Mite Spray. How long into flower?

    Good idea. Ive never used anything like this before and im just a bit worried about the taste/smell if I spray too long.
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    Spider Mite Spray. How long into flower?

    I was looking though an old high times from 02 or 03 and found this cool recipe for mites. Perfect because I just found them infesting one of my favorite outdoor plants a week ago. Ive spayed twice and seem to have the problem under control. But my question is how far into flower can i use a...
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    Getting Worried. Should I Force Flower And...

    That what a friend of mine was telling me last night. Im in no hurry so thats probably what im gonna end up doing. Good call.
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    Getting Worried. Should I Force Flower And...

    I topped them 4 days ago. Vertical growth has slowed way down. But I do still have a month or so to veg.
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    Getting Worried. Should I Force Flower And...

    Well, I think I will have to throw a bag over em every night to get them started. I would like to wait a bit so i dont have to do it for a whole month...
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    Getting Worried. Should I Force Flower And...

    Im looking for some advice on this one. I Started my seeds the same time I have for the past 4 years but these gals are thriving. 2 seeds I brought back from a surf trip to Peru in January. Started the seeds on May 1st and both have been preflowering for about 3 weeks. Thank god they were both...
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    Same thing happened to two of my plants about the same age. Just preflowers. Today is the longest day of the year. My plants normally start to flower in late july-august.