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  1. F

    what is more stressfull with a plant.. its getting cold out and i have a shady yard..

    well it is actually about 2 almost 3 weeks past when you "should" harvest.. but i had alot of bad situations and just couldnt set up the proper setup and ive been afraid that i was going to stress it out too much to bring it in recently.. i just made a really crude structure for tomorrow but im...
  2. F

    what is more stressfull with a plant.. its getting cold out and i have a shady yard..

    well i have had some improper situations to deal with during the whole process so its taken alot longer than it should have. but yea if i bring it in i think it could really take off with growth of the buds.. they have alot of potential yet.
  3. F

    what is more stressfull with a plant.. its getting cold out and i have a shady yard..

    thank you very much ima gonna do that right now... ill be back and take some pictures and let me know if its good enough or whats up
  4. F

    what is more stressfull with a plant.. its getting cold out and i have a shady yard..

    ohh okay.. cause yah its like not much light whatsoever that its getting in the back yard.. direct sunlight is less than 5 maybe 6 hours.. but the lights i got are the 48" florecent.. i got 2 of em.. was going to make a box to cover the inside with reflective shit and yah.. but i really dont...
  5. F

    what is more stressfull with a plant.. its getting cold out and i have a shady yard..

    but would it be better if i just brought it inside for good and set up an indoor setup?? or should i keep doing wihat im doing bringing it in and out every day...
  6. F

    what is more stressfull with a plant.. its getting cold out and i have a shady yard..

    if i set up an indoor set up, and right now i bring it out every morning and bring it in every night because of how cold it gets at night... would that stress it out or help it out?? i really want to bring it in because i dont really have much sunlight in my yard there are alot of trees.. so my...
  7. F

    Help!! i have 2 small buds with all orage hairs. can i clip them??

    if i set up an indoor set up, and right now i bring it out every morning and bring it in every night because of how cold it gets at night... would that stress it out or help it out?? i really want to bring it in because i dont really have much sunlight in my yard there are alot of trees.. so...
  8. F

    Help!! i have 2 small buds with all orage hairs. can i clip them??

    i just kinda want to see where its att with the quality of it.. you know.. lol i mean im going to wait the proper time to cure it.. i figure by then i should have alot more or it will be closer to done... it looks very nice i have a some pictures... the ones that are done it is actually only 1...
  9. F

    Help!! i have 2 small buds with all orage hairs. can i clip them??

    Help!! i have 2 small buds with all orage hairs. can i clip them?? there pretty small and the rest of my plant needs at least a week or 2 possibly some of it even more.. is it okay to clip thoes couple??
  10. F

    Am i ready to harvest??? please help!!!

    okay.. yea i think that its probably a bad idea to clone then.. i think i might just cliip a couple buds that are completly orange hairs.. only thoes tho.. there is only a few little ones.. do you think that would be okay if i did that?? otherwise im just going to try and be able to keep them...
  11. F

    Am i ready to harvest??? please help!!!

    thank you.. i thought so myself... if only i woulda been able to take care of her better in the beginning.. i actually had 2.. and they were clones to begin with... now the thing with why i want to clone, is because i currently have everything set up for an indoor growth its not at my house and...
  12. F

    Am i ready to harvest??? please help!!!

    so that should work no problem then?? thats kinda what i wanted to do.. could i make a clone with it tho?? or no just try and keep it alive and make a clone after i harvest it.. or do you have to chop the whole plant down to harvest it all??
  13. F

    Am i ready to harvest??? please help!!!

    can i keep it alive?? i dont understand this anymore or could i keep a small clone off of it alive... or will it not clone being the late in the stage because of something???
  14. F

    Am i ready to harvest??? please help!!!

    really?? i thought that i could keep the plant alive or atleast a clone of it or something.. like just not harvest all of it and keep it alive... cant you do that or is that not what you want to do???? im really confused now lol.. sorry i really dont know anything when it comes to growing..
  15. F

    Am i ready to harvest??? please help!!!

    actually i was hoping someone would suggest that.. thats kinda of what i wanted to do but i didnt know if it would fuck it up.. plus i kinda wanted to try and make a clone off of this but i dont know how big of a piece i need to do that with...
  16. F

    Am i ready to harvest??? please help!!!

    okay thank you.. right now its so cold outside that i have to bring it in every night. i could probablly get away with not doing it every night but its been in the mid 30s for the low all week.. better be safe than sorry....
  17. F

    Am i ready to harvest??? please help!!!

    well its been flowering for at least 5 to 6 weeks... but yah my yard as alot of trees so it doesnt get much sun light.. i actually have to move it from place to place to keep it in direct sunlight for the majority of the day... the top one is really nice looking wide but only about 3" long the...
  18. F

    Am i ready to harvest??? please help!!!

    I dwarfed my plant.. its about 3ft tall its the right ammount of time but i had it inside and not proper lighting and bought it out when i could. was very busy. actually started with 2 clones... this is whats left i say thers about 50-60% orange hairs?? no idea first time.. messed it up a lil bit