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  1. S

    Magnum Plus2 LED 4x4 THCsnow Closet Grow

    my grow is sorta similar, I have a plus 2 in a 4x4 room with 2 flood and drain systems running sog. I am not even half way through flowering so I am also wondering the total yield. Great grow
  2. S

    Magnum Plus2 LED 4x4 THCsnow Closet Grow

    That looks great, I bought the same light and I received it two days ago and hooked it up last night. I am running sog and in my second week of flower, I just took out a blackstar 135watt led so I cant wait to see the improvement. Good job so far. Oh by the way is there an easier way for me to...
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    Magnum Plus2 LED 4x4 THCsnow Closet Grow

    Looking good, I am thinking about buying this light. So I will keep on following this.
  4. S

    Can someone please help. I am a newbie

    To start off I am growing with a bubblesystem. It is a DWC with a pump that pumps fluids to the plants and the execess drains back into the rev. I had one airstone and I just added another stone this morning. I am in week 2 in veg and about 2 days ago I started to see an issue. I have 10 gal...
  5. S

    Hello I really need some help please, this is my first grow

    To start off I have a Bubbleponics system. I am in the veg stage in my second week. At first 2 of my plants were drooping a tab bit. So I checked the ph and that is fine, I then thought it was an over watering issue so I turned the pump off for a night. I checked them in the morning and they...