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  1. cannabitch81

    Ever add water to a bowl?

    Why did/do you have a jar of old cum sitting around? LMFAO...
  2. cannabitch81

    502 From The 4Evergreen Group

    Not to sound like a total idiot tool... but why is everyone so convinced that prices will be that much higher, and quality that much lower?
  3. cannabitch81

    Teach your children well please

    I think ur missing the point of the thread! No one is saying beat the shit out of kids when they act stupid... I think what the OP was trying to say, is that rewarding bad behavior in childhood will lead to entitled adults who lack the skills needed to be productive members of society. Yes I am...
  4. cannabitch81

    I Got Laid- Afraid Of Aids- Pray For Me

    Mmmm... Glad I missed
  5. cannabitch81


    Looks tasty, I eat mine with a side of
  6. cannabitch81

    I Got Laid- Afraid Of Aids- Pray For Me

    Why did he get banned?
  7. cannabitch81

    I Got Laid- Afraid Of Aids- Pray For Me

    OMFG...This can't be real. Laughed so hard I nearly passed out!!!
  8. cannabitch81

    what is it that money cant buy ?

    "you are attempting to remove the brainwashing that says material things equate to happiness. The physical world is not to make material sluts like madonna richer, but its to satiate our basic needs ( shelter, food, health ) " <<< this is you! Maybe I missed your point, I apologize. In my...
  9. cannabitch81

    911 conspiracy theory

    It's just really hard to help people understand what's happening around them. In the U.S. were taught to think the world revolves around us and our desires, any deviation from that and ur a freak.
  10. cannabitch81

    Horse Food?

    Now that I know, the next time I smell hay, I will ask why they sell/buy uncured buds. Cause thats just all wrong!!!
  11. cannabitch81

    911 conspiracy theory

    I hope this wasn't intended for me, although I think with a sociological imagination, I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
  12. cannabitch81

    Horse Food?

    LOL. It was a Sunday, my usual place was closed and on a round about way home I saw the green cross. I never have to do more than just smell a bud to know that I'll like it, or what the quality is. I smelled at least six different buds at this place, and they were all crap but the one I bought...
  13. cannabitch81

    what is it that money cant buy ?

    OMFNEG(oh my fucking non existent god) 1) Your're! 2) Food, health, and shelter are not happiness, they are humane. 3) Self actualization is the only way one can grow spiritually , not material possesion. No offense, but take a good look around the WORLD!!!
  14. cannabitch81

    Horse Food?

    I'm used to really professional co-ops that have their own bags/bottles, punch cards, ect. It seems really weird this place has been in business for apparently three years and can't manage to find any decent buds? Really makes me wonder about the operations of these places.
  15. cannabitch81

    Horse Food?

    I know...right! LMFAO :clap:
  16. cannabitch81

    Horse Food?

    I remember getting some stuff that smelled like hay a long time ago, I always thought it was just immature, but I can see how it may be the curing process. Either way, the most dissapointing co-op yet, they didn't even label their bags.
  17. cannabitch81

    911 conspiracy theory

    The one thing that always sticks out in my mind is the surviviors who were in the buildings hearing a large blast in the basement before the plane(s) crashed in to the buildings. Alot of people will tell you these buildings were designed to withstand an airplane crashing in to them, and would...
  18. cannabitch81

    Horse Food?

    LMAO... Visited a new coo-op yesterday, all their shit smelled like hay. I got something that smelled a lil bit sweeter, but it still is crap compared to what i'm used to. Their medibles sucked donkey too!
  19. cannabitch81

    ASK A LANDLORD!! LEASE QUSTIONS and General Policeys

    DON"T rent an
  20. cannabitch81

    Horse Food?

    Can anyone tell me how/why weed might smell like hay?