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  1. M

    400w HPS in a 2'x2' cab 7 weeks into flowering.

    I had that EXACT issue with the leaves turning yellow with pin size brownish red spots on my outdoor grow this year. The leaves would eventually become necrotic. I would just pick them off once they started to shred a little. I thought Manganese as well as you. I think it may have been K, but I...
  2. M

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    That is a very interesting tidbit on a very unique and eccintric life.I'm too far away from 100 to put myself in his shoes. He lived a full life for sure although I would say his trichs were definately amber :@)
  3. M

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Really nice thread. It's not rocket science, it's botanical science. SOOO much misinformation on the web that people forget how much misinformation is in print. If you can't back your arguement up with more than "I read Smarty McExpert's book on infections and it said I should cut my foot off...
  4. M

    VIPAR 2xA300 NEW LED Grow

    Awesome grow man, really impressive, REALLY IMPRESSIVE. I live in the deep south and we use "greencure' on all of our outdoor plants to PREVENT and cure mold of all kinds. Meets organic farming standards and is an awesome product. eliminates mold even in our near 100% humidity in the late summer...
  5. M

    First Auto Grow, Just want to see how im doing (pics)

    Looks pretty good to me...not crazy about autos but certainly healthy!!