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  1. U

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    haha, no hps.. cant deal with the ventilation and heat right now. oh well. 2-6weeks huh? i dunno.. im probably just gonna cut in three or so and hope for the best.
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey I have 2 "cheese" hybrids under 320 watts of Cfl both 2700 and 6500 spectrums. just over 21000 lumens. This was my first attempt at growing, its been fun but im looking forward to harvest. been in a "not so stealth" cab on flower mode for 46 days. I'm not 100% about the strain, got clones...
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    Help? Noob mistake.

    ok so i tested the ph of the run off.. right around 6. cat and micro solutions: 5 and my spring water: 6... something is up.. these ranges should be fine...
  4. U

    Help? Noob mistake.

    also im using flora nova grow .. im giving them that about once a week.. the earth juice cat and micro i mixed both 1 tsp each into a single gallon of water and used that to hydrate the coco...hence these bad effects...:wall:
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    Help? Noob mistake.

    ok looks like im takin a trip to the hyro store tomorrow.. what do you suggest i do with the plants i have? transplanting them into new coco with really hurt the roots that have grown through it in the past week. in my haste i just did that with one of them.. the other im leaving alone until i...
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    Help? Noob mistake.

    supposedly both organic... yes.. they have been in there for about a week.. im just gonna transplant them into a more normal ph medium.. i dont trust using the soil testing kit will give me accurate info. thanks.
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    Help? Noob mistake.

    no! all i have is a soil testing kit.. kinda lame? will that do? how would i go about fixing this problem. thanks max.
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    Help? Noob mistake.

    Hey guys and gals. I have a pretty bad nute burn problem.. bare with me for being a complete noob to this. I got a few cheese clones and im using coco as a grow medium. while mixing the coco i used a gallon of water with too much "earth juice-catalyst" and "earth juice-micro" mixed in and gave...