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  1. psychordist

    My crop is turning black!

    It doesn't smell like ammonia.. but it smells like proper old manky socks lol... when you break the bud open it release the terpenes and it has that lush cytrus'ey NL smell.... Judging from the pic I saw on the link I posted above, it really does look like the dark blackish leaves are apart of...
  2. psychordist

    My crop is turning black! i just found that picture.. it seems that the greyish/black leaves are Northern Lights genetics lol... feel dumb dumb dumb now.. thanks for the replies folks. Strange how it didn't show these...
  3. psychordist

    My crop is turning black!

    I just harvested my first Northern Lights plant, the buds were looking great, the small leaves around the bud were completely covered glistening with trichomes and i just couldn't cut them off.. seeing as they were so small and insignificant i thought they would dry out and shrivle up to...
  4. psychordist

    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    i think your biggest problem is gunna be that you don't know what sex it is.. it would be devistating to do all the LST work and wait the long wait only to find out that you've been training a male plant! .. start from clone! LST soon after after root system has developed.
  5. psychordist

    Northern Lights, fat harvest??

    verreh nice! :) how long roughly from the start of the flowering cycle to harvest??
  6. psychordist

    Northern Lights, fat harvest??

    dont really trust commercial measurements :/ .. even though i'd like a big mac yield, as it would appear on the tv :)
  7. psychordist

    Northern Lights, fat harvest??

    well it's pretty much a guarentee that I'm not gunna yield a fucktonne.. but I wanna know on average in comparison to other common strains.. how do they weigh up?
  8. psychordist

    long time reader but just joined

    Welcome :) I live in a cold & derelict, but awesome part of the world, but where bud just don't belong.. I grow indoors ^___^ How are the outside yields?
  9. psychordist

    Speed Journal: Bubba Gum: Big Bud: Northern Lights:

    shit! my envy burns like a thousands suns. nice grow mahn ^_^
  10. psychordist

    Hello Fellow R.I.U Members... Coming From: This Beautiful Place Called Earth

    Welcome man, lookin forward to hearin about your grows :) Peace
  11. psychordist

    Why do you Smoke?

    good thread by the way :)
  12. psychordist

    Why do you Smoke?

    I smoke for the following reasons 1) Makes me not take life to seriously 2) Ignites my creativity 3) Calms me down, I am a pretty anxious person. I think I'd annoy myself if I didn't smoke :) 4) More productive, No fucking way could I do my job without a smoke. 5) Music.. I love music anyway...
  13. psychordist

    My first grow mistakes

    Dude, thats exactly what you should do.. First grow ever, if you some how luckily managed to grow a set of high yielding plants with no errors what so ever.. well then you're not gunna see the cause an effect of deficiencies & over-abundences, light stress, pH problems and you wont get the...
  14. psychordist

    My Super Grow Room

    fo shizzle :joint:
  15. psychordist

    Northern Lights, fat harvest??

    Round my area I generally smoke whatever I can get hold of, it's not easy to get stuff round here from time to time.. But.. Every now and then the nice dry Northern Lights is goin around and it's sucha nice smoke :) ..So for my first grow I decided to grow what I love. But, I'm just wondering...
  16. psychordist

    Who has grown white rhino

    Never grown it.. Smoked it though x) If you ask me, the smoke is worth the grow.
  17. psychordist

    Alaskan Thunderfuck???

    I had to click on this thread just for the title.. Intriguing name, I'll have to try that at some point :)
  18. psychordist

    Plant problem. Any help?

    or at least soak the pollen sacks with water.
  19. psychordist

    Plant problem. Any help?

    did you say you've got a hermie in your growroom?? o_0 Get it out of there man!
  20. psychordist

    My First Grow

    they look pretty bushy, nice shade of green.. nice grow man :)