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  1. oneyejacks

    Easiest medium for new grower

    The Fox Farms OF, Miracle Grow MC and Perlite mix worked very well. (post #14 ITT) I think MG on it's own is shit. Because it has a low PH and is nute filled. I think Fox Farms OF is excellent because it has great starter and mid nutes and comes with perlite and PH balance. The two put...
  2. oneyejacks

    Easiest medium for new grower

    I grow from seed I crossed Nirvana AK48 and Master Kush, love the combo but have hundreds of reg seeds. I'm obviously not that serious. I do however travel for 2 to 3 weeks at a time. There are 2 time frames in my grow where I can leave for 2 or 3 weeks. 2 weeks away or about 18 days tops...
  3. oneyejacks

    Easiest medium for new grower

    Been away for awhile. Soil will give you the best chance of success. Fox Farm Ocean Forest front to back will give you good results with no nutrients (you can still follow nute regimen if you want but not necessary). Just ran an experiment though: 1/4 Miracle Grow Moisture Control 1/4...
  4. oneyejacks

    Safe enough to assume PH levels?

    Yes you can sir. Any solutions are welcomed
  5. oneyejacks

    Safe enough to assume PH levels?

    Thank you Dr. Who. I had a couple of grows where I PH upped and got significantly greater results than no PH up but that was Miracle Grow. This grow I am using FFOF but notice I am not getting the same yields as MG with PH up and that might be due to the FFOF advertising faulty PH levels... I...
  6. oneyejacks

    Safe enough to assume PH levels?

    Thanks everyone, So if my reasoning is correct once again if bagged storebought soil is a PH 7, and lets ASSUME that the nutes and water source do not bring it down, PH ing up to a 7 will still only give it a 7 runoff reading... no/yes? If the nutes and hard water bring this store bag of...
  7. oneyejacks

    Safe enough to assume PH levels?

    Thank you Dr. Who. So IMO, and to try to eek out the final answer, it sounds like NO soil unless you make it yourself and amend it accordingly is going to be above a 7 PH in ANY instance. And a PH addative up to a 7 will not cause you to be out of acceptable ranges for marijuana??? (assuming...
  8. oneyejacks

    Safe enough to assume PH levels?

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering. If you are without a PH tester and have store bought soil (Miracle Grow, Fox Farms etc.) is it safe to assume the PH level is going to be somewhat to very acidic? I heard stories about FF Ocean forest where it lists 6.3-6.8 on the bag but has been tested at...
  9. oneyejacks

    How much do i need?

    You can start with 3 26w 5000k for veg but for flower you should jump to at least 3 42w (actual wattage) 2600k. 3 65w are doable if you don'y have space/heat issues...Keep those lights VERY close during flower.
  10. oneyejacks

    Transplant, possible heat/environment issues, need advice...

    This thread did not get posted right away so I thought I was banned somehow. The two to the right died. Transplant went horribly and root exposure was their death sentence. They froze right there in the picture and that's how they died. They eventually wilted and shrunk and I knew the end...
  11. oneyejacks


  12. oneyejacks

    Possible transplant problems...

    HI everyone, it's been a long time. I am trying to start a new indoor grow, a closet grow in a large building in a major metropolitan city. With this grow I had to transplant the smaller of the two plants in the picture twice already. (because of party cup issues and some mis-timing with...
  13. oneyejacks

    Transplant, possible heat/environment issues, need advice...

    HI everyone, it's been a long time. I am trying to start a new indoor grow, a closet grow in a large building in a major metropolitan city. With this grow I had to transplant the smaller of the two plants in the picture twice already. (because of party cup issues and some mis-timing with...
  14. oneyejacks

    Seed Germination NEWBIES

    I used some gnarly ass scissors thats why. Not needing to be pretty (cept the bud) is what I love about home soil grows. Two weeks is enough for my purposes and once roots show thru I xplant to 5L perm home and just easy from there. Just my way and If a guide helps one newb then I am...
  15. oneyejacks

    Seed Germination NEWBIES

    If you are growing a farm and space is an issue I can see the need to prove the viability of the seed but for newbs or those with a 5 plant small type grow this soil method will likely be flawless... I also know that I have had some hard lessons on keeping the soil PHed correctly etc. so when...
  16. oneyejacks

    Seed Germination NEWBIES

    Pic for fun and clarity...
  17. oneyejacks

    Seed Germination NEWBIES

    I had one of the toughest times trying to germ. Using the paper towel method I destroyed many good seeds... Here is what I did and newbies this is the route you should prolly go... STICK THEM IN SOIL! What I do. I take a party cup 16 oz I believe, I cut out holes in the bottom/side not just...
  18. oneyejacks

    Nice Ol' Bud: Seed Germination 101

    gouing to post thread
  19. oneyejacks

    CFL beginner question

    I just did 3 plants recently. I had eight 26w lights shrouding the tops of the plants and then two 42w on the sides. I think if you had a 3 plant config you could get away with 10 of those, but really there is a significant difference in 23w to 26w (IMO). You should get at LEAST 26w (I would go...
  20. oneyejacks

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    I like this 12/12 thing. With no veg and correct use of nutes and lights I got a full oz off of it in about 65 days. I dried for 4 days with heater and started curing tonight but should end up being a solid 25g. Nuked a bud, awesome shit... AK 48, I am really happy. If you are using CFLs and...