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  1. D

    Finally got around to saying hello!

    its cleared up a good bit thankfully, making the day to day a bit easier, but i cant honestly say it bothered me. its kinda fun to watch the world lose their mind over a bit of snow, and then come home to the sun shining at least 12 hours a day ;)
  2. D

    How much water flow?

    from what ive seen, and experienced, the only reason for the difference in size when it comes to plumbing is the hardware we have at our disposal. as it doesnt require a HUGE amount of pressure to create the current needed in our case, we dont need to be using HUGE pumps. The pumps most are...
  3. D

    Finally got around to saying hello!

    Ive lurked this site for a couple years, as well as grown in dirt for longer. The last year or so ive been running all hydro, and find myself here more and more. I have been considering contributing to other areas of the site for a while, and as i plan to do so soon, i figured making an...