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  1. THoRIN

    seedling stretch!

    hello all, im new to growing from seed as i started from clone on my previous (first) grow. My seeds popped only 3 days ago and one of them is already stretching to 3 inches with only one set of leaves! Im using a 125 watt 6500k florescent grow bulb in a grow tent and i have it 2 inches away...
  2. THoRIN

    Hey! new member from Kentucky

    whats up everyone, just wanted to say hi to all! Im new to this site and forums in general so hopefully I wont embarrass myself too much on here!lol
  3. THoRIN

    Advanced Seeds from Attitude

    You said it yourself, you get what you pay for. Most of the time the cheap seeds are cheap because very little time and effort went into creating the strains. What i mean is that they probably havent spent the time to stablize the genomes causing the strains to be unreliable. You will never know...