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  1. Hannigan Drake

    Read This First!

    I recently switched from Hydro to Soil and I am experienceing some ... nutrient problems? My lighting is 2x 180W LED lighting (each led is SUPPOSED to put out 3W) I use FF Ocean Forrest soil with some perelite on botttom for added drainage the plants have been in flower since ~Nov 16 (ie they...
  2. Hannigan Drake

    Just Moved to Mexico... and no weed

    If you truely cannot find any Marijuana in Mexico then find a cab driver, when I go down to Mexico, if by the 2nd day I have not gotten a weed hook up on the beaches, I just go to where the cabs are hanging out (usually in front of touristy hotels) and when they ask if I need a cab, I say no...
  3. Hannigan Drake

    PICS WhiteWidow night before harvest Pics!!!

    WoW very nice looking buds, bet they going to be sweet once dried and cured GRATS:hump:
  4. Hannigan Drake

    What size TV you guys rock in the bedroom?

    No TV in bedroom but have a 42" LCD in living room and 20" truelflat in Weightroom
  5. Hannigan Drake

    Nutrient solution PPM question. HELP!

    I know that you said you "hit your spending limit" but I wanted to let you know that you can get a cheap PPM meter from about 15-20 dollars on ebay. Without a PPM meter, I would use 1/4-1/2 of what is listed on bottle, and just watch how how plants are doing.
  6. Hannigan Drake

    Help my babies are yellowing

    Hmm I have the RainForrest 66 with Vortex sprayer, (been using it for 2 years now w/o having this problem). I guess I will change my water and reup the neuts. I appriciate the advice but I find it hard to believe that I overwatering em in my RainForrest.
  7. Hannigan Drake

    Help my babies are yellowing

    I have a Rainforrest66 with Vortex sprayer for my mothers (well still seedlings atm) with a 400W MH. I also have a Reverse Osmosis filter, so my PPM starts at 001. This morning when I checked on my little babies, they looked perfect, but when I looked in on them later, they started yellowing on...
  8. Hannigan Drake

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    *hopefully pics are showing now
  9. Hannigan Drake

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Plants looked good till this morning, when I looked in on em a few mins ago, they showing yellowing of leaves on bottom of plant. Is this Calcium deficiancy? Please help asap, i don't wanna lose my babies. Thanks
  10. Hannigan Drake

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello everyone, I just got my order from Nirvana Global (got 5x Snow White, 5x Chrystal, 5x Short Rider, 5x Aurora Indica, and 5x Papaya, all femanized) on 4/20/09. I planted 2x Snow White and 2x Chrystal and at 4 days they are looking good thus far. I think in a couple days i will plant 2 of...