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  1. disco dave

    hows she lookin?

    thanks man might try that with next grow would be better if the mylar wasnt creased but struggle to keep it straight with th fan blowin on it all the time
  2. disco dave

    hows she lookin?

    hey guys just after some opinions. growin magic bud started with 4 from seed (feminized) and when i switched to 12/12 3 of them turned out to be males. got ripped off so down to 1 plant 38days into flower
  3. disco dave

    are these pollen sacks? pics

    thanks guys
  4. disco dave

    are these pollen sacks? pics

    does any one else have an opinion on my pics im really not sure because i thought male pods show in clusters these are just single pods i cut one off and opened it nothing really in it but it smells like weed. if you look at pic 5 i think that was one of the single pods
  5. disco dave

    are these pollen sacks? pics

    pics are all of same plant so i guess its hermi. there are not many of them balls only on a couple of nodes would it be ok to just cut them off
  6. disco dave

    are these pollen sacks? pics

    hi guys need some help im growing 5 dutch passion power plant feminized from seed. been flowerin for 2 weeks there all showing female but on a couple of them there are some balls between the nodes. could they be pollen sacks. also there single, in previous grows when iv had males the pollen...
  7. disco dave

    is this a hermi?

    thanks guys i will give it a couple of weeks and take more pics
  8. disco dave

    is this a hermi?

    hi guys. need some expert eyes. im growing 5 power plant feminized there a week into flower im a bit worried about one of them its showin pistols at the top but a couple of nodes down there are single balls but iv noticed on my other fems the pistols seem to grow out of a single little ball im...
  9. disco dave

    Looks like rust?!?!

    hi mate im a bit of a noob myself. on my first grow whan i was near the end of flowering my leaves looked worse than yours but it didnt effect the bud. i was told that leaves die off towards the end as the plant is putting most of the energy in to the bud. i wouldnt worry you must be harvesting soon
  10. disco dave

    2nd grow need opinions (pics)

    hey thanks man i will do that
  11. disco dave

    2nd grow need opinions (pics)

    splashed nutes. think it could be that thanks twistyman
  12. disco dave

    2nd grow need opinions (pics)

    thanks guys
  13. disco dave

    2nd grow need opinions (pics)

    now then people aint been on for a while my first grow wasn't too good did 4 ak48 regular nirvana seeds only got 1 fem really nice smoke just not enough. im now on my second grow got 5 power plant feminised from dutch passion seems to be goin well just got some yellow spots on some of the...
  14. disco dave

    first timer how they lookin?

    hey thanks man i have been doin research for months and got marijuana growers bible (great book) iv just never come across the term low stress training. do you mean pruning or topping. iv read that ak48 is a small bushy plant so i guess thats why its so bushy every strain is different. what you...
  15. disco dave

    first timer how they lookin?

    whats low stress training
  16. disco dave

    first timer how they lookin?

    there under 400w hps. they were under 400w mh for veg. actually started them under hps for 2 weeks but then got hold of the mh lamp changed it and they just took off switched back to hps a few days ago. there in my shed outside no ventilation but have door slightly open in 3 gal pots in bio bizz...
  17. disco dave

    first timer how they lookin?

    thanks man pretty sure everything is good temps and humidity always right ph around 7 use boiled water. usin bio bizz nutes
  18. disco dave

    first timer how they lookin?

    alright guys how are my plants lookin got 3 ak48 and 1 super skunk. there almost 6 weeks old had to switch them to 12/12 a few days ago cause there gettin quite bushy. one is deffo fem its got the hairs between the nodes pretty sure the othes are too.all the new growth at the top is coverd in...
  19. disco dave

    can plants show sex before flowering?

    hi iv got 4 plants about 4 and a half weeks old from seed on 18/6. had a good look at them this morning and one of them has got tiny little balls between the nodes male i think is it possible to show before flowering.
  20. disco dave

    are my plants root bound

    thanks standox