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  1. F

    Mosca seeds Old time crosses?

    Otm is one of the most recognizable strains on earth. When pure the bracts are lovely
  2. F

    Skywalker - Dutch Passion?

    In my cannabible 3 sky walker is listed as a 10 footer with medium yields for that height. Prolly why they call it skywalker
  3. F

    Cfl output ???

    Yah it's a 23 watt I have em in cone now sooo. Thx m8
  4. F

    Cheap CFL's in the UK

    I can purchase 2 26 watt daylights for 8$ here
  5. F

    Expensive CFL grow Ha Ha.$$$$$

    U can easily see dense yields with Cfls m8 don't hate on ure self.
  6. F

    Help me choose

    Actually in my opinion a 1/4 blue to red and vice versa per stage, is more natural. Even more natural would be a full spectrum. And I think a mid to late stage plant is going to be affected faster due to more vegetation. But start at sprout.
  7. F

    Cfl output ???

    Ok 2 part question. First should a cfl be turned horiz or vert over the plants. And should I cone my CFls for reflectivness. Would be hanging vert though.
  8. F

    Cheap CFL's in the UK

    I'm bad with shipping or I would. Me home depots or walmarts? If not then idk besides websites
  9. F

    Short question on cfl!

    No not lumens it's the kelvin scale if ure talking lumens u want 1600 at least per bulb. And don't use soft white 6500 use daylight.
  10. F

    Grinspoon Yield

    And these look nice are these Barney's? I'd like to smoke sum of this
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    Grinspoon Yield

    I was waiting for this answer. When I said adequate I meant a 2 site 10 gal and 2 4 site 25 gal dwc 2 small airstones per plant. Vegging with 3 100 watt equivalent per plant flowering all with 1 1k watt hps will prolly add some 27k flouros for side growth during flower and ferting with humboldt
  12. F

    Grinspoon Yield

    Any ideas on the yield I might expect from 10 fem'd heirlooms with adequate conditions
  13. F

    Help - Seedling are falling over

    Maybe you over fertd if seeds are easily attainable restart
  14. F

    Is this Plant ready to be topped?

    Cant tell how many nodes but yeah u can top it. But of ure not gonna train wait till4th node
  15. F

    Flowering, about 5-6 days in... can YOU tell the sex? Please help!!!

    fuck the re vegging prob u prob hermied the crop
  16. F

    First Grow on this site

    ne one? basicallly what im asking is, is adding a few full spectrum cfls worth it?
  17. F

    Do y'all compress buds for bag appeal?

    heat stress and strectching to sun create lenky budddds
  18. F

    Yield Estimate Confusion

    never ever expect high expectations and there horrible shortcomings... id expect 2-6 ounces for u as a noob that being said do not make expectations for nething more than a 7g bag you will be dissapointed and use those cfls for undergrowth m8