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  1. D

    Help With Leaves Yellowing and Curling Down

    I did some research and it looks like textbook zinc deficiency, so I tested my tap water ph wondering if it's just not absorbing... it's so high it just registers as "higher than 8.5"!! Just flushed them with 6.5 water, I'm thinking that'll help quite a bit
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    Help With Leaves Yellowing and Curling Down

    Yes they did look like this before the transplant for about a week, but it seems to have gotten worse since. I gave them each around 2 cups of water right after transplant, and haven't watered since
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    Help With Leaves Yellowing and Curling Down

    Dumb question, but what's the best way to look at the roots without cutting open the pot? I stuck a finger knuckle deep in the soil, it's warm and a tiny bit moist but mostly dry
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    Help With Leaves Yellowing and Curling Down

    They were in solo cups for awhile, but I just moved them to 4x4x4 inch pots. I had been just filling a solo cup about 2/3 with water and pouring it in
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    Help With Leaves Yellowing and Curling Down

    It's been two days since I touched the plants with any water or nutes, new growth is getting more yellow and droopy. Specifically the inner part of the leaves of new growth are yellow. Still think I should hold off on water a couple more days?,goKB3YY,0aFhYlm
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    Help With Leaves Yellowing and Curling Down

    Yeah I saw my dispensary delivered clones so I just bought a few on a whim and threw them in solo cups under cheap CFLs, then they started getting big so I figured I should probably set them up correctly :p now they're under a 300W LED and in some better potting mix. Not sure about the temp...
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    Help With Leaves Yellowing and Curling Down

    Not sure, what's the best way to test soil ph?
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    Help With Leaves Yellowing and Curling Down

    Alright great, if it's just over watering that's an easy fix. I've done hydro before but never soil so I'm still figuring out the watering schedule and amounts. I'll post back with updates
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    Help With Leaves Yellowing and Curling Down

    Roots Organics Original Potting Mix, and I've been watering every 2-3 days with around 1.5 cups of water
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    Help With Leaves Yellowing and Curling Down

    Here it is without LED
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    Help With Leaves Yellowing and Curling Down

    I've got three plants growing indoors in soil. I started them in solo cups in miracle grow, but just recently moved them to bigger pots with an organic potting soil mix. The newer growth is yellow and leaves are curling down, does anyone recognize what the issue is here? It's been like this...
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    DWC system suggestions

    Yup it's definitely small, I got my medical license so I'm just doing it as a hobby in a closet space. I was thinking a 200-240W LED to keep temps down in a small enclosed area. What would be the temp difference between HID and LED? I've been thinking and I may go with your advice and just do...
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    DWC system suggestions

    Hey rollitup, I'm building a small two plant DWC grow tent that I'll be automating with an arduino and raspberry pi. I'm looking for suggestions on what DWC setups you ppl have had success with. My space is 2.5x2x5.5, so I'm thinking two 5 gal dwc buckets or one large 10 gal. They have to share...
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    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    Hey everyone, I'm building a grow tent right now that I plan to grow two or three plants in. It's about 5'x3'x2'. I'm thinking that an LED light will be the better choice because it should give off less heat inside the tent and in general an LED requires less of a power draw. I don't have...
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    Running out of room in my box

    heres a pic of the box. as you can see, that one big guy just keeps growing right into the roof lol. is it too late to try to supercrop? If you can see, I've already started bending down the tall plant to avoid the lights
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    Running out of room in my box

    Is there any actual downside to just letting the plant hit the top of box.
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    Running out of room in my box

    I've got four auto flowers in a 10 gal DWC, growing in a 3ft grow space. One will hit the top in the next few days. I'm bending/training but it's way too late to stop it from hitting the top. I really have no choice but to let it just go, will this be bad for the plant in any way?
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    Micro DWC Hydro Grow Journal w/pics --- (Autoflower)

    UPDATE! one of the AKs has started flowering, pretty exciting since this is my first ever grow! pics coming soon
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    Micro DWC Hydro Grow Journal w/pics --- (Autoflower)

    Update! Day 25, built a larger 4ft box with 2x 75W Walmart grow lights and 3x100W CFLs, transplanted to 10 gal dwc the two on the left are Afghan Kush Ryder, two on the right are Grass-o-matic AK
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    Edges of Leaves "Burning" (Pictures)

    results are in! the problems been fixed. the lowest set of leaves were harmed pretty badly and the tips have been actually burned away. but new growth is healthy and green. check out my grow log for pics! <edit> forgot the link duhhh...