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  1. C

    GDP budding already

    yea, GDP you are a faggot. go smoke a joint and calm down, and try treating people with reverence and respect.
  2. C

    Northern CA When to Start?

    im near san jose, planed 12 outside in the foothills of the santa cruz mountains on the los gatos side and they are about 1 inch right now. i think theyll make it and be huge since i planted so early. The sun has been good lastley and rain is gone... hoipefully
  3. C

    Smell proximity

    100 plants= 25-life in some states... 25 if ur in cali.... proabbly life in any other state, especially the hick states
  4. C

    Almost busted, need info

    yea its legal with a cannabis card.. otherwise ILLEGAL. FEDERal law supercedes stae and county laws
  5. C

    Almost busted, need info

    yea seriously... what would u prefer... ruining 8 plants or serving 8-12 months in county jail
  6. C

    My Re-vegging Journal - any input is welcome

    hey man. i noticed u said you had 2 oasis... im growing 3 right now, 3 oasis from a cannabis club in san francisco... how did yours turn out? how long after 12/12 did u see a bud? what was the yield? was it kronic? hit me back with a private message
  7. C

    Would it be acceptable to assume...

    FUCK CATS theyre so stupid. dogs are the shit, mans best friend.. always
  8. C

    Help! (w/ pics)

    o one more thing... your stems look really skinny for the height.. you need a small ocilating fan to promote stronger plants
  9. C

    Help! (w/ pics)

    id say switch your tubes for 45 watt CFL Spiral bulbs... they are way better and more concentrated. you can grow a good amount with one per plant if u choose to flower a couple weeks early
  10. C

    HELP! Major drooping... PICS

    holy shit... are u giving it nutes?... i GUARNTEE U if u lost the hydroton and just bought some soil itd recover in 3 days...
  11. C

    So this b*tch is cheetin on me...

    Ok, here is what you do.... Revenge is sweet...remember that... slash his tires.... and beat his ass... then break up with your girlfriend in the most gangster way... jus be like " hey we need to talk... um, not to be rude, but im kinda over you soooo get your things and leave... dont get...
  12. C

    Who Believes In God?

    God is the way, the truth and the light. Nobody goes to him without going through his son. Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for your sins and mine...whether you choose to believe it or not, thats up to you. That doesnt change the fact that he did.
  13. C

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    no offense...but the best bud in the world is grown in california... Hence the Cannabis clubs where you can get a prescription for the absolute most chronic bud in the world. The taste, smell, look and feel... just one toke of a pipe and your head is in a new world... not to mention the growers...
  14. C

    Flowering despite 18/6

    hes right. jus 12/12 those little girls