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  1. TheZaar

    Hows she looking.

    hey, atrumblood 2nd attempt how did the first one go. I've done a few DWC. Honestly I never checked the PPM or EC the whole time just watched the plants very closely:weed:. I also fed them slightly less then the recommended dosage and never had a prob. Although I'm back to soil so go...
  2. TheZaar

    Broken Taproot, Germinating in AG

    the tip broke off maybe be alright. Broken in try again. are you using rockwel cubes? When I'm transferring from paper towel to cubes I try not to let the tap root get very large. As it's more difficult to insert it into the rockwel. Make sure you have a made a hole large...
  3. TheZaar

    Attn all vetrans!! What would you do?

    That's some nice equipment for a beginner. Judging by your questions :mrgreen:. Tents are great for growing but that is some small space your dealing with there. I wouldn't go more then 2-4 plants. 5 gallon pots your ladies will get way outta control. I would suggest 6-8" pots. For...