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  1. W


    How long does it take for the trichomes to go from cloudy to amber? Is it more strain related?
  2. W

    Leaf tips and edge brown and crispy

    Iam feeding every 4 hrs for 15 mins. Could under watering cause leaf tips to turn brown? should I change to every 3hr and 15 mins.
  3. W

    Leaf tips and edge brown and crispy

    Does this help? lights are off right now.
  4. W

    Leaf tips and edge brown and crispy

    Is it to much stress on the plants to run the 16inch wall mount fan 24/7? Or should it be off at night? Its running now with the lights off and humidity is staying around 45% with lights off
  5. W

    Leaf tips and edge brown and crispy

    Okay will work on that today. Oh yeah another bit of info woke up sat and checked the ladies, found they had not drained pump sounded like it got airlock.
  6. W

    Leaf tips and edge brown and crispy

    Titian Flo n Gro 4 600w temps have been shit lately low 57 night once and max 83 day getting it under control. Usually 75-77 humidity 85% night day 25% (shit too) Ph 5.5 to 6.5 stable swing during the weak before res change GH micro 10ml per gal GH grow 20ml per gal Just added flroa blend 10ml...
  7. W

    Humidity with lights off

    When my lights and fans turn off humidity gets up to 80%. When lights and fan on 35%. Do I need to get a dehumidifier or should I try and exchange air with lights off? Or do I even have to worry about humidity when lights are off?
  8. W

    How do you use flroakleen ?

    I run a 55 gal res, I drain and fill it every week. I want to use florakleen say every 4 weeks. Can I just add to my res say day 6 with my nutes and let it run for 24 then drain and start over? Or do I have to drain on day 7 then add new water with florakleen let it run for 24 drain then start...
  9. W

    here we grow again!!!...ebb & grow

    What line of nutes?
  10. W

    Male or Female?

    Correct. Where i got the clones from ended up hermi :(. Kinda scared. There where also a couple other strains in the same room that did also. Replaced a faulty timer. The pic is of leda uno.
  11. W

    Male or Female?

    Sweet. Thanks dude. Can a plant hermi at anytime thru flower?, or is there a coast is clear time frame?
  12. W

    Male or Female?

    19 days into flower.