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  1. N

    I have these eggs on the bottom of my buckets

    THis is my last week of flower by the way, just started flushing.
  2. N

    I have these eggs on the bottom of my buckets

    I got these weird eggs on the bottom of a couple of my buckets, no bugs in the room other than some gnats and ants. I checked the plants with a loupe and they look good. Anyone know what this is? I'm running a double 5 gallon bucket system with holes in the top bucket draining into the bottom...
  3. N

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    I couldn't possibly go through 174 pages but did anyone ask if you hang them with the lights on or off?
  4. N

    I've got 3 strains and this one doesn't seem to be doing that great, any ideas?

    The other 2 strains look good but this one has alot of yellowing and yellow spots like this.