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  1. W

    Creating your own soil mix - advice / recipes

    Hi guys! I wanna make my own soil, but I live in Thailand and don’t have access to all the recommend ingredients like kelp meal. But I do have access to most things, and was thinking about a modified Bruce Bugbee / super soil combo mix. I was thinking something like: Potting soil, vermiculite...
  2. W

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    doublejj!!!!!! :) Just wanted to give MAD PROPS for your amazing grow here!! :D HAve read it all the way through and am both impressed and inspired! I am sorta close to you up in the Sierra foothills, and am planning a big greenhouse grow next year. Gonna build a greenhouse, prob from a...
  3. W

    Planning a 15ft x 24ft greenhouse - need help + advice!

    Yeah after reading Doublejj's carport greenhouse thread, it seems the 100gal smartpots are the way to go! Seems like using the ground would get old, always having to dig up your floor etc. But i am sure both methods have their advantages.
  4. W

    Planning a 15ft x 24ft greenhouse - need help + advice!

    NICE!!!!! I spent hours reading that last night. And was both impressed and inspired! Thanks for the link! :)
  5. W

    Planning a 15ft x 24ft greenhouse - need help + advice!

    Hey guys, So i am planning a greenhouse grow next year. I have experience indoors, but this will be my first time growing in a greenhouse. Have some questions and concerns, hoping some peeps can shed some light. I'm looking to create a 15ft x 24ft greenhouse with glass or polycarbonate...