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  1. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thanx vedder... thanx another day.... Im a noob an this is my first go at it... my 2 og kush plants look great still... so does the g13 but the pistols are almost all complete white... i cut all 3 off the nutes at the start of week 7 to flush them.... what do u guys think i should do??? continue...
  2. J

    NOOB just trying to learn....

    NOOB just trying to learn....
  3. J

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    So i got some questions about my g 13 haze plant... its on its 2nd day of week 9 an the buds are big but are still full of white pistols, leaves are turning yellow,some complete yellow can anyone help me??