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  1. P

    Wake Up And Open Your Eyes Iowa- Time To Choose The Best Candidate To Represent Us

    It doesn't matter if they're in compliance or not. All medical marijuana co-ops/dispensaries/producers are operating outside of the law at the federal level, and the DOJ threatened landlords of all people involved in MMJ, not just those out of compliance with state laws.
  2. P

    Ron Paul guys, this is

    The media breaking out the old "If we can't find any other faults, label them as racist" tactic.
  3. P

    Starting a Medible Company?

    A lot of dispensaries in Southern California carry edibles, and most are pretty good. I think there is a market waiting to be opened in the non-sweet aspect of food though. Green butter is about the only thing I've been able to buy that I can use in regular cooking. You definitely have to have...
  4. P

    Grower vs Dealer: who should make more?

    Damn, do you have a grow journal that I can read? Costs me almost 20 cents a gram in electricity alone.
  5. P

    88 Million Paid for Condo

    I guess if money isn't an issue, you get whatever you want no matter the price. The place does have an awesome view of Central Park.
  6. P

    Grower vs Dealer: who should make more?

    The only way I could possibly make that here in Southern California is to gram it out.
  7. P

    UFC Appreciation Thread

    Cerrone is quickly becoming the most exciting fighter to watch. This will also be his sixth fight of the year.
  8. P

    Medical Cannabis Dispensary who rip growers off!

    Why not post who these scumbags are? I seriously doubt any ripper is going to bring a civil suit for libel against anyone who outs them. Unless it's against forum rules to post names, I say fuck'em.
  9. P

    How To Launder My Money?

    I'm surprised I haven't seen the most obvious one yet. Whole or universal life insurance is where most of the wealthy love to protect their money from the government. No government agency can touch life insurance(as of a couple of years ago, don't think it has changed, but I'm not certain)...
  10. P

    Tell Your Lorazepam Experiences

    What's funny is that I have a 2mg prescription for lorazepam and can take it or leave it. The Dr. I get my recommendations from told me to stop taking it immediately. When I told her that I have half a bottle left from 6 months ago, and a refill that expired at the pharmacy, she said I was a...
  11. P

    Make money growing weed!!!

    The market in SoCal is really shitty too. Wouldn't it be prudent to take your late Fall/early Winter harvests and sit on them until most of the outdoor, and greenhouse(outdoor) stock is gone and the prices start to climb again? I know that it's not good to sit on too much weight, especially if...
  12. P

    UFC Appreciation Thread

    Hendo Cerrone Condit