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  1. treeharvest

    Well N A, The Tankless Water Heater is the Bomb!

    Thanks! Ill give them a call.
  2. treeharvest

    Well N A, The Tankless Water Heater is the Bomb!

    Ugh, my sureflow is dead! It only lasted 3 months. I have a ball valve installed after the pump and found I could run the heater with it most of the way open. Is there a better pump or did I just draw a dud?
  3. treeharvest

    The Real Scoop on Co2

    How long do the burners generally last?
  4. treeharvest

    The Real Scoop on Co2

    Lol ive been in ss for quite sometime, I reamend and reuse soil also and have great results. I just also got my room dialed into the point I thought I was ready for CO2. But Im Half way done with my second run with CO2 and I can see that they burn threw the nitrogen in subs mix to soon. Even...
  5. treeharvest

    WTF has happened!!!!!!

    unintentional monster cropping,,,,flip her again.
  6. treeharvest

    The Real Scoop on Co2

    Thanks! Im using subs super soil and aact tea. Guess I just need to dial in my dirt for the CO2. I have looked all over for info on nute use and CO2, and haven't came up with much other than hydro guys need to back off on there ec a bit. How did you solve your early fade with organics?
  7. treeharvest

    The Real Scoop on Co2

    I seem to be missing part of the scoop lol. I have legallyflyings tankless set up. Mad props to him by the way!!! I was using tanks and never having to fill one of those again is priceless! My question is about the proper organic nute load with CO2 at 1300 ppm, temp 84, humidity @60. Im...
  8. treeharvest

    Heavy yielder what do you recommend?

    Who's g13? Sounds ineresting.
  9. treeharvest

    20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

    Hello all & Marry xmas!! This is my first post on here but far from my first grow. I would like to say thank you to cg,mello kitty and wolverine for the great read. I just made it to page 214 and I loved every min of it! CG you are great! You helped me alot with my grow and with how to deal with...