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  1. C

    Common Growing mistakes made by the new marijuana grower

    hahaha preciate it I liked em !
  2. C

    Stupid mistakes that get you caught

    wow .... you got fucking lucky .... I live in Lower Alabama .... me and my buddies where going to go chill at one of my friends lake house and smoke some out their I had two buddies with me I wasn't driving. We pass a dick head state trooper .... at this time we where about 17 my dumbass buddy...
  3. C

    Common Growing mistakes made by the new marijuana grower

    I'm 19, im growing my first single mary jane plant .... sooo I am a rookie at that. I am not by any means a rookie at smoking pot are knowing the differnt qualities .... when you hand me bud that is. I think this post is so funny b/c i literally am having serperation anxiety from my plant I just...
  4. C

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    Hey guys, .... I got a plant about 5 inches tall .... all that I used was sunlight and water .... is this going to be enough to produce bud ? If soo .... how many hours of sunlight and daylight should I give it. I already applied top quality osmocote to my bud it's time released and will not...