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    Greatest Player in NFL History?

    Hi Sunbiz1, Great video and thanks for sharing with everyone but everyone has it's own choice and I like Jerry Rice most and found him in top greatest players in NFL history.
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    18 Simple Rules for Life

    Hi Mod, Simple but great rules of life and I like follow the three Rs rule most. Besides respecting others we must respect for selves also to regain dignity.
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    Hard Candy Recipe

    Hi Billy, Great hard candy recipe and thanks for sharing with everyone. I have checked the ingredients and found all in stock so will hard candy this weekend and will share my reviews later.
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    What Are You Listening To?

    Hi All, These days I am listening "who says" by Selena Gomez. She is a great singer and actress and watched her Monte Carlo.
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    Hi All, New member of this frum and this is my first post. Excited to be a part of RIU forum as I found many informative threats before registering. Hope to be greeted and looking for some friends here.