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  1. J

    Soil Ammendments.

    With the rash of unseasonably warm days here in the midwest, my mind has began to wander outdoors. More specifically to the crop I intend on planting outside this year. This will be my first outdoor crop, and first crop using soil as a medium. I have access to plenty of soil from what has been...
  2. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    I pulled one of my weaker, smaller plants for inspection. The roots weren't virgin white like you see in aero systems, but I didn't feel the slime on them that everyone suggests indicate root rot. I am running the same nutes used by the poster stinkbuddy, because I eventually plan on building...
  3. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    So, I spoke too soon. For some reason my PH won't stabilize. I'm constantly making adjustments, but can only keep it within range for a few hours at a time. I'm thinking root rot, or that the expanded clay was so thourghly saturated with water that was outside the desired range for so long that...
  4. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    Im running 240 total watts of light right now, 6X40 of 48" T8's. I think the dropping was just shock from all the new stuff I threw in there. They recovered within a days time and have been standing upright since. I quit with the super thrive, the more I looked at the bottle the more gimmicky...
  5. J

    dwc in 4x8 tray?

    Im attempting what you are contemplating now, on a much smaller scale. I'm running expanded clay as medium, filled high enough the top inch or two never gets wet thus preventing algae growth. I've got my pump surrounded by air stones, and running 24/7, thus my plants are supplied with freshly...
  6. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    Both of the plants pictured before perished, so a picture wouldn't really give much comparrison. The ones that hung on aren't picture worthy yet, but I will be sure to post some as soon as they are. Thanks for sticking around.
  7. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    It's been a minute, but I wanted to give those that offered advice an update. I got a PH pen, nutes intended for hydro, and did loads of research. Most of that research was done here at RIU, but I combined it with some advice given to me at my local hydro store. I have dialed in my PH to 5.9...
  8. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    I've backed myself pretty deep into a corner with this one, but like Old said, I've got plenty of chances to learn. I have collected bag seeds for months just for this scenario. I have plenty of chances to fine tune my operation before I turn it up a notch and really start cranking out massive...
  9. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    I've pretty well decided to chalk this one up as a loss, while hanging on to see what happens. My nutrients are wrong and my PH is probably still off. The only thing I really have going for me is my persistence not to just throw in the towel on growing altogether. I have a ppm meter, plenty of...
  10. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    I guess "getting too hung up on PPM" was about the worst way I could have written that. I was just trying to verify that the PPMs should be the same no matter what nutes I was using. I can't put it into words, but does it makes sense that a powdered nutrient intended to be used in a soil...
  11. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    Im just worried that we're all getting a little too hung up on the PPM. Under normal circumstances, PPM and Ph are the two most valuable tools in the arsenal of plant diagnosis, but that is under normal circumstances when the dumbass grower didn't try to run a hydro set-up with soil nutes. You...
  12. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    That makes a lot of sense. I've lurked around this forum for months studying up, trying to learn as much as I could before actually starting my first grow. Funny how all that knowledge I gained vanishes once my own plants start turning funny colors. Theyre lights out right now, but I'm going...
  13. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    Thanks for the help Old. I thought maybe they were getting An abundance of nutes too, but my smaller plants seem to be less affected, leading me to believe its actually a deficiency. Bigger plants need more nutes right? Makes sense in my head anyway. I made some corrections to my Ph and...
  14. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    Please help!
  15. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    And finally the pictures. I know they look terrible, but bear with me. I'd be happy to get anything at all out of them at this point. Thanks
  16. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    Imagine how good we'd be with Timmy under center and a PC. The upload attachment thing is set up to follow a directory to the file on a PC. Same with most other sites I could upload them too. I can't be the first person trying to upload a photo with an iPhone or iPad on RIU. I'm just scared my...
  17. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    Anyone know how to make them visible with an iPhone or iPad?
  18. J

    Bagseed First Grow

  19. J

    Bagseed First Grow

    This is the best I can do picture wise. I'm not sure if anyone else can see them, but if I hold down on them with my iPhone, it will let me copy them and paste them elsewhere for viewing. Thanks