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  1. cnh93


    Yeah it makes sense. And no, this is my first time growing anything. I tried growing before, but it only grew about an inch then died. Well one of them I planted in soil, it's about the size of an average plastic cup (I don't know the estimated volume. Humidity is usually 10% or less.
  2. cnh93

    Flowering outdoor plants

    Hmmm, well I live in Arizona, and my plants usually get light from 10am-5pm. And for the strain, just reg.
  3. cnh93

    Flowering outdoor plants

    How tall do they usually grow until they flower?
  4. cnh93


    Thanks =) What about after it breaks the surface? I think it was something in milliliters.
  5. cnh93


    How much water should my plants get before they sprout?
  6. cnh93

    Very weird looking seeds during germination (pics)

    Alright. Well one of them already sprouted today out of the cup. It should not get 18/6, right?
  7. cnh93

    Very weird looking seeds during germination (pics)

    What about the sun?
  8. cnh93

    Very weird looking seeds during germination (pics)

    Here's what I did; I planted the seed like 10 minutes ago in a small, clear plastic cup. I had the tap root going vertically down into the soil. I covered it up, watered it a liiiiiiiiiiiitle bit (probably around 10ml because I'm suppose to keep it moist, and they cup I'm using is very small...
  9. cnh93

    Very weird looking seeds during germination (pics)

    I just checked up on my seeds today, and it seems that the roots have grown out of the seeds. Can I still plant these? Sorry for my crappy photo quality
  10. cnh93

    Growing in a plastic cup?

    Ok. I'll try that. How much should I water it until it sprouts? And how much sunlight?
  11. cnh93

    Growing in a plastic cup?

    Has anyone did this? If so, does it work? I was thinking about starting my plant off in a small plastic cup, until is sprouts till about 1-2 inchs or more. But then after that, what should I transfer it into? BTW, I'm growing them outside, but not actually in the ground.
  12. cnh93

    Seed's Not Sprouting

    Does the root have to be pointing downward? I think I might have a problem with that too. I just plopped the seed in their (usually it was pointing horizontally).
  13. cnh93

    Growing outside

    Thanks, I'll try that with my next plant. Bad news; I uncovered my seed because my friend said that it should take this long. Turns out both of my seeds died :(. I'm germinating some more right now. One of my problems is my friend said that my pot was too big. How big do you think the pot...
  14. cnh93

    Growing outside

    So far, it's been almost a week (5 1/2 days) and nothing has happened. I think I might know the problem; I planted the seed about 1 inch-1 1/2 inches below the soil. Is that too far? Will it take longer and still sprout? I also have another question. I've been germinated a few more seeds. One...
  15. cnh93

    Growing outside

    Yes, I germinated it. I read up on a lot of stuff. I know a lot more than I did, but I'm mostly not sure when I will finally see it sprout out of the soil.
  16. cnh93

    Growing outside

    Hi. I'm new here, and I just have a few questions about growing outside. I've looked around on the internet for answers, but I couldn't find much help: 1) How long does it take for it to at least sprout out of the soil? I'm growing them in a pot, and I just planted 2 seeds (in two seperate...