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  1. J

    Which would produce more DO in a DWC?

    Nice bulkheads def the way to go. I use the 27 gallon tote as my res and these square buckets with bulkheads. The plastic isn’t great on the white buckets and I have had to repair some with g flex epoxy, but other than that it has worked great in the past. Happy growing mate :)
  2. J

    Which would produce more DO in a DWC?

    Excellent was just curious. Thanks for posting all this. I had been looking at my dusty rdwc system that has been sitting idle for 5 years. Read this whole thread and started setting it up
  3. J

    Which would produce more DO in a DWC?

    Amazing buds, thanks for sharing. What was the dried weight? I am in the process of setting up my rdwc system after a 5 year hiatus. Can’t wait !
  4. J

    Automatic pH Controller

    Fatman, im looking for some help with buffering my solution Currently Iam usign 100% RO water When mixing this is my process perhaps you can suggest what i can do to improve the length of tiem my solutions remains ph stable 1) PH up with potassium silicate to 8.3 2) Mix Cal Mag at 5ml/gallon...