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  1. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Just as I suspected. Thanks GG. I'm looking forward to seeing the test results. I'm hoping to see the AT with at least 2% higher thc. If so, I will be extremely happy. I will be using my AT600 as part of my summer run. I wish I could've picked up more than just the one, but I'll get em when I...
  2. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Looking good bud, I'm excited to see what those final numbers are.
  3. Free4all

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    I just finished reading this entire thread and all I can say is WOW. I just purchased my first LED yesterday (at600), and I feel even better about my decision than I did before. Don't have it yet but should be getting it tomorrow. I want to do something special with it, just haven't been able...
  4. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Just got off the phone with Mike at AT. Got my first one on its way. Can't wait to fire this thing up.
  5. Free4all

    Always seeking knowledge.

    Always seeking knowledge.
  6. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Yeah it kinda does but if your trying to fix having to water twice a day by hand it helps. I think learning about pot size with fabric pots when you hand water is something every coco grower that uses fabric pots probably goes through. Bigger pots, less frequent watering.
  7. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Gotcha. Yeah I know all about that root ball. I've jumped all the way up to 15 gallon fabric pots because of that, sometimes only putting 10 gallons worth of coco and just folding down the sides. 5 gallon won't do it, unless you put them on automated watering which I tried one time but didn't...
  8. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Root bound in fabric pots?i don't know, but you could always just drop' em into those 10 gallon pots you were talking about and just fill in around them.
  9. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Cool. That's what I was thinking it was. Just wasn't sure.
  10. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Yeah they both look really good. What exactly is that you have your walls lined with?
  11. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Very nice. I was hoping to see the apache doing better though. I will be ordering my first one in the morning. I'm betting on it beating the hps on the gpw and potency.
  12. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Can't even imagine being any more impressed. I'm sure that with the right plants you could pull 2 per light running hydro and adding co2. You've got your room pretty well dialed in. Thanks again for a very informative update.
  13. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Have you taken par readings of your corners? Now that your light is at 19".
  14. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Just when I thought I'd made my decision I find that I need to decide on which lens layout to order. Decisions decisions decisions.
  15. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Looking very nice. I'm still waiting to hear back from AT as to when those 600s will be available. I'm on a waiting list, I guess. Do you know if the units they sell all have 14* on the outer and 50* in the center, or is there an option to get all of either? I'd like to know which layout you...
  16. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    well, since you put it that way:roll: maybe they're not such a good idea after all. I also just found a par testing of their previous version ( the 800) that is not as good as that at600 even with the increase they're boasting. I'll probably pass on the offer. Hell, I wish I could get an offer...
  17. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Oh yeah, I also wanted to ask you which lens layout yours has. Is it all 14* or does it have the 50* in the center? I also found a spectral test that was done by growers house that shows the red and blue spectrum peak outside of the optimal range of both chlorophyll a and b. there's no question...
  18. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Hey greengenes, still planning on getting the at600 but came across the opportunity to get a California light works solar storm 880 for a pretty good discounted price. The catch is I'd have to do a journal for them (which I have no experience in doing) and afterwards I could either keep it or...
  19. Free4all

    Getting close to choosing LED..Need educated opinions

    Does anyone know anything about California light works solar storm 880?
  20. Free4all

    Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

    Man, you make me want to go all out with LEDs. They're looking good.