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  1. organicgrade

    Am I unstonable? Please Help get me Stoned Again

    mate, If smoking isnt doing the trick, making edibles with the same stuff would be pointless. The Hives thing is a little strange. Firstly, ar you smoking it right? Ive always smoked cigarettes so when i started smoking weed it felt completely natural but when i introduce it to non smokers alot...
  2. organicgrade

    what is this

    Nice one, always a shame but necessary.
  3. organicgrade

    Droopy leaves

    20 oz of water a day, while under CFLs? That does seem like a lot. Why dont you wait 2 days between waterings, under CFLs you could even leve it 3 without any problems. I water my flowering plants every 2 days while under HPS so they are well dry by the next watering.
  4. organicgrade

    Breast Implants

    I dont mind a small pair myself. Dont really see the appeal in huge tits, I find that big tits usually come with grotesque nipples, I always notice the scarring from fake tits aswell.
  5. organicgrade

    help me pick out my mother plants

    Wheres the platinum Kush from? Thinking of future grows, the kushes and the AK will likely yield the best bud... but then again im not a big fan of hazes so its personal preference. Also, with the kushes in particula youve gotta watch out for deformed phenos, you may not notice them until...
  6. organicgrade

    Best way to germinate **feminized ordered seeds**????

    Hi all, my first post :) Ive tried each of the methods above and would agree with the consensuss, you want to be using the shot glass method. I usually use a glass of water inside a sock (for light protection) and place it in a warm place. This is definately the easiest option, you can see when...