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  1. C

    Supplementing Co2 help -

    Any idea where I can find the equation?
  2. C

    Supplementing Co2 help -

    I am placing a 20lb Co2 tank w/ regulator into a smaller (6x10x4' tall) room. The room is constantly at 80 degrees w/ 45% RH. There are no vents so I need to inject CO2. I am hoping to avoid buying a CO2/PPM meter but do not want put to much into the air. Does anyone have a good schedule for...
  3. C

    Light Wattage for Flower Room - Please Help Today

    I have a 4ft 4 bulb T5 box in my clone room - Are you saying I will have better luck in my flower room w/ florescent? Also, this may be a dumb question but do I want more lighting in my veg room or my flower room?
  4. C

    'Light wattage for flower room - Please help today'

    I have my veg room with 2 - 240 watt LED's - I need to buy lights for the flower room - I need to stay away from typical HID's - What size LED's should I buy for the flower (bloom) room?
  5. C

    Light Wattage for Flower Room - Please Help Today

    I have my veg room with 2 - 240 watt LED's - I need to buy lights for the flower room - I need to stay away from typical HID's - What size LED's should I buy for the flower (bloom) room?
  6. C

    New room - light questions (LED) - Please help

    I am in the process of setting up my 1st room. It is somewhat long & wide but not very tall - Roughly 12' long x 10' wide but only 4' tall. I put separator's in to divide the room into 3 - Do to height issues as well as ventilation & electricity I have decided to avoid HID lighting...
  7. C

    When to transplant?

    I have been growing from seed - Currently on day 17 in tray with humidity dome & heat pad. All are doing well, good root development, they are between 2 & 4 inches and 4 of them are pushing on the top of the dome. I am wondering how long I should wait to put transplant them into my DWC system...
  8. C

    LED Grow lights - success??

    Strange topic - People tend to have VERY strong beliefs about this - Hard to find an objective opinion - people are either pro or con, no in-between. Seems like people that have grown for a while and have been successful w/ conventional lights are unwilling to change w/ technology - I could be...
  9. C

    LED Grow lights - success??

    1st grow & I love the idea of using LED grow lights - no electricity or heat issues - I am just building out my room. Currently I have 1 - 4' ft florescent light box over the seeds, I bought 2- 240 watt LED lights & 1 90 watt LED for Veg & bloom - Anyone have success with a similar setup...
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    PPM for seed germ

    1st grow - what is a good PPM for the water in my seed tray? Also, my ppm meter has 3 digits - Im assuming the number should be multiplied by 100? Thanks!
  11. C

    New 1st time 4x4 grow room help

    Thanks - Would there be any benefit from using a hps for growing then an LED for flowering?
  12. C

    New 1st time 4x4 grow room help

    First grow room & I need some good advise - For the first crop I am going to go with a 4x4 tent. I need to know...