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    advanced nutrient questions

    ^^^^^^^^^ Agreed Heres a one of the best reads on Roll It up about AN and other high price Nutes.
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    SOG 600w blueberry - super lemon haze 2nd Grow

    to each his own my friend As long as your happy is all that counts in my book9
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    SOG 600w blueberry - super lemon haze 2nd Grow

    lol sorry man gotta rep my savior. Not a chick
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    Are there ANY Christians on RIU?

    ANother believer here!
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    SOG 600w blueberry - super lemon haze 2nd Grow

    looks like your soild from the bottom of a lake or a river. Goodluck on the grow IM subbed
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    400W super lemon haze. from start to harvest(today)

    heres a great example!
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    400W super lemon haze. from start to harvest(today)

    I wouldnt agree Id say scrog combined with vertical grow is the best of both worlds. and have plants surrounding a vertical scrog when done right[ scrog inbetween light and tree] just means that the plants can take more advantage of the light since only the tops are allowed through the screen...
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    Removing Soil from Root Ball

    I did this on my first grow on accident by cutting to many times into a plug. Long story short the medium all fell away from the roots and when transplanted the plants growth was stunted the whole veg stage.
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    2000 watt, 3 plants scrog, update!!!! 11 days flowering

    Keep us posted! they looks GREAT so far
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    Attitude jipped me

    how is it homosexual that they didn't give you the free stuff? or how is it happy? LOL
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    reusing medium!!

    I can def. see both sides to this, where it can be good and bad at the same time. Id like to hear more opinions. I do agree with the naturals soils guts being taken out of the older soil. But that the same time you could just start your nutes out earlier since theres not as much in re used soil...
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    2000 watt, 3 plants scrog update!!!! pics

    LOoks beautiful Keep us updated when they start budding.
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    HELP needed! HVAC and electrical

    hahaha any other stupid questions? YES!
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    First timer SCROG, 3 plants 2000 watts (pics)

    training during flowering not as much. I would reccommend placing fan leaves under your screen while your growing.
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    Hello hows your grow going with sub cool seeds? How did you hear about him?

    Hello hows your grow going with sub cool seeds? How did you hear about him?
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    Bubbleponics and DWC - The Future of Growing

    you guys seen the reverse culture Hydroponic set ups! those are the best of DWC by far
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    $$$Cash Crop$$$

    Defintly critical mass buddy. THat is the new big bud. Mr.nice guy sells critical mass. Big buddha also sales the version but it is a auto flower. If you go with either pm will work something out ;]
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    First timer SCROG, 3 plants 2000 watts (pics)

    I wouldnt say double in size because the rest of the plant on bottom of the screen not really grow as much. but the bud sites will definitly pop out of your screen a good 6-7 inches. you want more vertical height? your next grow if you do the same thing just place your screen higher above plants :]
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    Should i flower already?????

    id say as well top em and let them go another month if not a month and a half. But like the first response said dont listen to anyone do your own shit and experiment! its what growings all about find your own style!
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    Placing marijuana plants at random in your city - Join us!

    THis is some Project Mayhem kinda shit! And the first rule of progect Mayhem is you dont talk about it so you failed already :] that being Said. Im all for this sounds like a bad ass project to get the word around about maryjane. Me being who I am and doing what I do however would not take the...