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  1. SWAG420

    Red Diesel Outdoor Harvest

    sup all, just thought i'd post some pics of my Red Diesel mini plant, flowering for about 50 or 60 days, not quite sure, but anywayz, just kinda wondering when she'll be ready to harvest, so heres some pics, ... budshots
  2. SWAG420

    blueberry: bit early for harvest but i wanna know how long until i can cut her down
  3. SWAG420
  4. SWAG420

    Blueberry Outdoor 2012 Harvest!!!! (AUS)

    sup everyone, just harvested my blueberry plant, got the seeds from DutchPassion, shes been growing for about seven months, flowered her for just over 9 weeks, and i got some really nice frosty nugs from this grow, and all i used in terms of ferts / nutes, was some charlie carp for veg, and some...
  5. SWAG420

    blueberry: bit early for harvest but i wanna know how long until i can cut her down

    this was a 5 page thread now theres one page... wtf?
  6. SWAG420

    blueberry: bit early for harvest but i wanna know how long until i can cut her down

    added molasses today, made a '4 liters of water to a tablespoon of molasses' mix and all is well so far, they look like they're juicing up already, and now i can actually see the buds and the crystals, shes looking beautiful :) ill post pics soon
  7. SWAG420

    blueberry: bit early for harvest but i wanna know how long until i can cut her down

    yeah i might pick up some molasses this week, and sorry, a 0-50-30? thats a fert ratio right? kinda new to the terminology lol
  8. SWAG420

    blueberry: bit early for harvest but i wanna know how long until i can cut her down

    any thoughts on my ferts? should keep using only worm castings, or add some organic bud bloom or something?
  9. SWAG420

    blueberry: bit early for harvest but i wanna know how long until i can cut her down

    cheers its my frist grow that has actually started flowering, didnt get this far before thanks to stupid people thinking they can steal my plants n shit lol its good to have a estimated time tho, thanks, appreciate it :)
  10. SWAG420

    blueberry: bit early for harvest but i wanna know how long until i can cut her down

    been growing this girl since early September 2011, flowering (using worm castings) for about a month i'd say, just wanted to post some pics and hopefully someone can tell me a rough estimate of how long it'll be before i can cut her down
  11. SWAG420

    blueberry: bit early for harvest but i wanna know how long until i can cut her down

    hey guys, just so ya know, im living in australia, and i planted this bitch early september, so its been a while now, but its my first grow that has actually budded out, so am unsure on when to actually harvest. cheers all, pics up in a minute