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  1. K


    im interested in testing this theory as i watched the same video a few nights ago :mrgreen:, ive got a 15w florescent light bulb and its been on my plants for 1 hour every night at there peek "noon" hour, but i forgot it on the other night and it ran for 7 hours until 7am when the light went off...
  2. K

    Grabed 5 clones, first gow just.. want some input :)

    any input from anyone? :) all is good :D
  3. K

    Grabed 5 clones, first gow just.. want some input :)

    anyone still reading this thead? :P...
  4. K

    Grabed 5 clones, first gow just.. want some input :)

    hey guys, idk if anyones kickin around on this thread any more but as promised i have more pictures :), its not 3 weeks later and day 8 of budding, input? ;D.. i rotate my light every cupple days due to heat
  5. K

    Grabed 5 clones, first gow just.. want some input :)

    Thanks for the help guys, started 12/12 light today, 1000W hps, there a little small but they need to gt outa my house :( .. keeping a log book tho and it deffinently helped alot when thinking back, post pics soon
  6. K

    how do i test what im feeing my plant?

    ph levels, and as for the plants, 1 is blue cheese, 1 is bc bubblegum (buddys home grown cross), 1 is head band, and the other 2 im un sure of, there all of different strains so im just looking for a rough estimate on nutes, it dosnt have to be perfect, it could even be way under feed as long as...
  7. K

    Grabed 5 clones, first gow just.. want some input :)

    hey, thanks for the advice guys :D, im trying to get a grip on my temp, but i cant seem to get it below 28 degrees, usualy runs at 32 and thats with a brease coming in the window, not much more i can do on that one :/ its just hot :P.. as for humidity ive been misting daily since day one :D, so...
  8. K

    Grabed 5 clones, first gow just.. want some input :)

    thanks alot the advice it helps :).. i was thinking chem burn but wasnt sure, he was also using a different food to so im gonna flush them out and try feeding again, there on 16 hours of light for now but i was also wondering whens a good time to start droping the light ours, i was thinking maby...
  9. K

    how do i test what im feeing my plant?

    im planing on feeding my plants plant prod, but i dont kno how to test what im feeding my plants, any sugestions?.. my food is 20-20-20 for veg and 15-30-15 for bud.. also if anyone else uses this product any feedback/ dose ratios would be great ;D any help would be great ;D
  10. K

    Grabed 5 clones, first gow just.. want some input :)

    P.S. i apologize for the quality of these pictures, i had to use my cell phone to take them :/. and the spelling lol, my keyboards batterys are dieing >.<
  11. K

    Grabed 5 clones, first gow just.. want some input :)

    so, lijke the title says i just grab'd clones off my buddy, there doing prity well ive had them for a week now. now ive grown before but no success :P, like used insufficient light and such.. odviously no success with that >.<.. so over the last ear ive grab'd myself some equipment and trying...