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  1. P

    New grow..Looking for peoples opinions.

    Hello, I'm currently running a 4x8 tent with 2 1000's lights in it. I'm running an ebb n flow hypdroponics system. This will be my second grow. We have changed from an 8 bucket dwc single site system, as this allows for much easier control over ph and ppm. What you guys think, am I on the...
  2. P

    Temp issues.

    Lol, I sorta answered it. The garage has no air movement at all, and however how hot it is outside, wouldn't air circulating help to reduce tempature? I'm probably wrong on both accounts lol. I just need to find an easy way to help reduce tempature in a non insulated room. Also I have 5 people...
  3. P

    Temp issues.

    Hello I started a new grow and I’ve been having some issues with temperature. I have a 4x8 Tent, running 2 oscillating fans, 3 inline fans, (1 for exhausting the tent, and 1 intake from outside of the building, 1 fan that air cools the 2x1000w light bulbs, that air is pulled from the outside of...
  4. P

    10 Plant 4x8 Tent Setup.

    Hello, I'm currently working on my first grow and I've come into a few issues. I'm currently using a 4x8 Lighthouse tent, 10 Plants, and 1000 Watt Light in the middle. I have noticed that the light has been some what of an issue as the plants on the end aren't getting enough due to them being...
  5. P

    Ballast/Reflector Adapter

    I appreciate it, i'll go ahead and get the adapter. and yes, i'm going low budget right now. I got the Xtrasun 1000w hps/mh ballast for 150 dollars. My plans for next setup is going to be lumatek and Raptor hood. But for both you are looking around 600 dollars. My only concern right now with...
  6. P

    Ballast/Reflector Adapter

    So I'm new, and I've been working on setting up a little growing operation. I was going to buy a sunlight ballast ( budget grow ), and a yieldmaster II supreme. But the guy at the hydro store told me they didn't carry the budget grow ballast, and they recommended the Xtrasun. I asked if this...
  7. P

    New grower using AN Jungle Juice.

    Also, I was thinking of changing my AN Jungle Juice Grow Micro Bloom to the PH Perfect Grow Micro Bloom because they say its way better and you don't really have to worry about your PH levels. I'm sorry for all the newb questions but I'm really interested in this and hoping to get some good...
  8. P

    New grower using AN Jungle Juice.

    Hello I've just started growing, and I currently have 2 plants running. My current question right now is nutrients. The guy at the hydro store told me all I need is the AN Nutrients Jungle Juice 3 part Grow Micro Bloom. But from all the reading I've seen a a lot of people are using all sorts of...
  9. P

    Plant transplant questions.

    Merry Christmas to you too And thank you for the advice, This is my first attempt at growing and i'm doing a trial run with 2 plants. Once i'm done I plan on running 8 plants with DWC. No matter how many days of research I do I always find myself with more questions. :) You guys take care.
  10. P

    Plant transplant questions.

    Hello, We are running a DWC setup, and we put the clones we got in the rockwool into small net pots, but now we want to transplant the plant into larger ones for 3 gallon bucket size. What I'm worried about is damaging the roots while trying to remove it. Is it better just to put the small net...
  11. P

    8 Plant DWC Setup.

    Hello, I'm setting up a DWC system with 8 5 gallon buckets. I was wondering for tent size what would be needed. I have been looking at the 4x8 Sun Hut, but I'm not entirely sure if this will be big enough for an 8 plant setup. Any advice would be great. Thanks