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  1. C

    Metal Halide VS High Pressure Sodium

    If you can control your temps you can keep your lights nice and close and they don't stretch at all! Not that I can do it but I know someone whose tops of plants still in veg are only about 8 inch from a 1000 watt HPS! He is a well established indoor grower using no CO2 and pulling big dry...
  2. C

    1 seed 2 sprouts???

    will deffinately post pics tonight
  3. C

    1 seed 2 sprouts???

    I have recently started my first grow. Germinated 6 seeds bought from Barneys. I germ'd 3 pineapple chunk and two of them sprouted 2 shoots! I know for a fact that I only planted 1 seed per pot because thats all I had! I dont know if I should leave them both cut one shoot off of each? Is...
  4. C

    Introducing nutes!!

    I will spend what I need to but I am wondering what is best to give them during vegg? Also at what age do I start giving it to them? Im asking what is best to give them because I don't know!!! I would like to stay organic as im using pro-mix herb and veggetable soil mix which is all organic...
  5. C

    Leaves edges curling upwards!!

    One is room temp and one is Garden or Hot Spot temp!!!
  6. C

    Introducing nutes!!

    I am very new to the art of growing as this is my first grow and I am only 1 week into it! I started 6 seedlings after germination and was wondering what Nutrients anyone reccomends and when to start administering them! I am using a soil based medium with perilite and sphagnum moss for...
  7. C

    Heat low humidity issue ?

    Having same problem but I added a $30 humidifier and my humidity stays around 45-50% and that is with humidifier on low! I am a newbie to growing this is my first time and always thought humidity was bad but i read thats not the case until the last couple weeks of flower! Only downside to...
  8. C

    Leaves edges curling upwards!!

    My new favorite website as I want my lil girls to be happy!!!!!:hump:
  9. C

    Leaves edges curling upwards!!

    My room temp is 74-78 my hot spot (garden) temp is the 80-83%! I have read that it is good to have an idea of room temp and garden temp thats why i got a thermo in both! I thought putting light that far away would make plants stretch so I will up the light to 3 feet away as soon as it goes on...
  10. C

    Leaves edges curling upwards!!

    Meant to put the thumb down as this is not a good thing! This just started happening yesterday so I hope I cathc what the problem is in time! Also with the overwatering the top of the soil seems dry within 8 hours so that is why i was doing everyday! I have learned that it is best to let soil...
  11. C

    Leaves edges curling upwards!!

    ok I am new to the growing end of marijuana! I started my plants a week ago today under 1-1000 watt HPS! I have 6 plants total 3 being pineapple chunk and 3 being red dragon. Started both from seedlings (feminized) from Barneys. Germinated great using papertowel and dark container method! I have...