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  1. MagicBullet606

    safe indoor bug bomb???

    I had a bad problem with spidermites and gnats and tried a lot of stuff then came across a bug bomb that was made for the grow room Doktor Doom Total Release Fogger Stock the Doktor Doom Total Release Fogger in your pest-control arsenal for a doctor that's on-call 24-hours a day. The active...
  2. MagicBullet606

    Bubblegum Harvest

    almost 70 days last 10 days with just water and B1 This is from 1 small plant I will update in 7 to 10 days
  3. MagicBullet606

    Not Sure Which Deficiency : Discolored Droopy Leaves

    Do the leafs keep dieing? I had a plant where it was getting something like that and it got droppy and fan leaves died. but really not sure... test the ph of the soil ?
  4. MagicBullet606

    New Grow room

    no just some baby praying mantis and the leaves are wet in the photo though one plant keeps getting spots and the leaves die just on that one all the ph is the same im thinking its just a sick or weak plant
  5. MagicBullet606

    600w HPS too big? Help asap please!

    for a space that small try 250 or a 400 and panda film from top to bottom with the exhaust about 8 to 12 below the light to help with heat or if you want no heat panda film and t15 grow ligts about 2 inchs from the plants thats one month under my t15 drow lights in my veg room
  6. MagicBullet606

    New Grow room

    New grow room on the 2nd floor in our new house Will take updated photos when its finished So Far: 90 X 110 Main Grow Space With 600 HPS light(2nd Light Coming Soon) 28 X 80 Clone/veg Room with T15 Grow Light Black and White panda film from floor to where the lights hang in both rooms 2 Fan,s...
  7. MagicBullet606

    My Organic Pest Control

    they eat crickets , the babys will eat any and all of the leaf miners , i can hang the cricket in front of her and she will spike it with her front legs And sense i have to buy crickets for the toads every week its easy enough to give her prey...
  8. MagicBullet606

    My Organic Pest Control

    Lets Start With the 55 gallon tank and the fire belly toads in the grow room on the same light schedule The Test! So a few crickets where lucky and made it out of the tank and into my grow space Here is the photo of my organic pest control
  9. MagicBullet606

    Knots On The Stalk of the purple

    cool thanks i was scratching my head and was at a loss
  10. MagicBullet606

    Knots On The Stalk of the purple

    I got 5 purple from seed but all have the same knots on the stalks where the flowers will be they are just 2.5 weeks old but I have never seen anything like this nor has my friends either maybe someone on here can help me out with this here is a close up thanks
  11. MagicBullet606

    Getting a med card while collecting disability?

    Im collecting disability and I have my card
  12. MagicBullet606

    Busted for posting to RIU

    Well Sense Both Me And My Wife Both Have Medical Cards Let Them Come! LOL
  13. MagicBullet606

    Help..feel guilty and paranoid.

    watch how hot it gets i tried to grow in a closet a couple years ago and it got way to hot but now i have a card and a whole bedroom to use as a grow room Happy Growing
  14. MagicBullet606

    Are these girls ready for 12/12?

    Wait A while Let Them Get A Little Bigger I Think You Would Get More Buds That Way
  15. MagicBullet606

    1000w hps or 2 600w hps?

    I read and seen on a growing dvd that a 600 watt will give you your best light per kwhour
  16. MagicBullet606

    Grandaddy Purple has purple on the fan leaves and stalk

    I got g.d.p. seeds from a local co op and i have started to see purple on the stem of the fan leaf's and the stalk (photo) The soil ph is 6.9 and i have been using a 15-20-20 plant food from a local shop every thing seems to be growing fine but the purple on the stalk and fan leaves have me...