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  1. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    Here are the ladies in their 1 gallon buckets. still lookin hungry but I will giving them a light feeding today.
  2. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    going to be transplanting the girls today and taking a few pics. they still look a little haggard from the transplant, but they are beginning to show new growth.
  3. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    I had 100% success rate with the rapid rooter plugs and rooting gel. So thats 12 plants ready to be grown out. and the mother is still waiting to be cloned again. I might do a sea of green style grow but the old man likes doing monster plants so we'll have to decide which one to do and try the...
  4. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    three of the twelve clones have rooted and the others have a little bit of yellowing at the tips.
  5. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    The female is large enough that I'll be taking clones tomorrow. I'll be buying the plant tray and dome, some rooting gel, rooting plugs and a scalpel. Then I can start updating as the clones start to grow! :leaf: Instead of killing off the mother plant I'll be doing a second run of clones to...
  6. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    We have one female plant in a large bucket. Just veggin her out to get as many clones as possible.
  7. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    Ok! I didn't even think about that because I bought the sylvania at the hydro shop.:dunce: As a matter of fact the plants are being moved under the 1000w today. Thanks for the advice I will go buy one this coming friday.
  8. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    The plants are almost at their fourth node. I've given them a feeding at 950ppm or the vegetative stage according to AN. going to see which ones are female, transplant them and then clone as many as possible for the next crop. I will be keeping a mother around for a while. Don't want to go...
  9. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    So the plants are kicking ass and looking like they want to be transplanted fairly soon. You can see the first plant is probably my favorite. fed them once with a fairly diluted mix and now just waiting for them to do their thing. the pics were taken from a cellphone so the quality isn't great.
  10. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    So the plants are loving the new dirt. already have some roots poking out the bottom. they seem to be a little too warm, but the light colour may be because I changed when the lights go out recently. the ones that REALLY surprised me were the indica looking seeds, check out how wide they're getting!
  11. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    Back from the dead! started some new seedlings and we're doing it properly now lol. got them under a 400w mh, 18/6 using Pro-Mix HP and some dolomite lime. Nearly all ten are about an inch tall, and have been transplanted once so far. Tap water is de-chlorinated over night and ph'ed to 6. no...
  12. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    So the ever expanding grow room is nearly finished. I framed in the room and threw up some drywall. I haven't been growing or building anything worth sharing lately just working full-time. I had four seedlings that I was hoping would turn out to be female, but due to neglect (lack of feeding...
  13. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    We've dried it down enough to sell a qp of both strains, I think today we're going to pick up a ph meter and stop buying the drops. that and we're probably going to be buying materials to re-build the growroom.
  14. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    The girls are cut down and drying on newspapers, these are by far the stickiest plants we've ever trimmed. I think this harvest makes the last one look tiny! I tore down the growroom because we plan to re-size it again, either buy new Mylar or paint the inside of the grow-room flat white and...
  15. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    Starting to see some amber trichomes on the indica buds, I'd say roughly theres about 5% amber 90% cloudy. I'll see about getting some pics up after work.
  16. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    Next crop we have decided we are going to buy some "Maple Kush" clones. It should be interesting because I've never even heard the name before, and they're going to be indica heavy. I think we're going to veg and train them a LOT more then the last crop, which was more of a set it and forget it...
  17. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    Yep we have some bamboo growing outside our front door, I just don't like the idea of possible disease or fungus riding in on a piece. ....although I guess I could cut some down and dry it out for a while.
  18. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    Thanks raider I'm trying to keep the feeding to a minimum because I'm thinking of harvesting next weekend. These plants are getting so heavy I had to lasso the base of the stem to the bucket to get them to stand up straight. I then bent the lower branches over to allow more light to penetrate...
  19. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    the plants are really starting to put on weight, the top buds are hard as rock and seem to be swelling pretty quickly also the indicas are starting to turn purple.
  20. Greenscreen

    A Medical Grow

    one of the indica strain plants is growing some leafy bud and its just starting to show a nitrogen deficiency. Also one of the sativa strains is yellowing but I think its just from the ph dropping. These were taken with the Kodak so the macro isn't too impressive.