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  1. T

    Help with ideas setting up closet. Stealth hydro kit, 4X4X8 room

    Oh, and the only reason I didn't do 400W HPS was I figured it was overkill for 4-6 flowering plants in a room this big with circulation issues. (Cali, 2 story home, first floor, no access to attic, no basement) was I right?
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    Help with ideas setting up closet. Stealth hydro kit, 4X4X8 room

    Ok, so I bit the bullet and am starting to grow. Got some feminized white widow seeds, and just ordered the equipment from stealth hydro. I know, alot of you would say DIY, its cheaper, etc... but I feel more comfortable with this. I bought one system for veg, which I need to seperate a...
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    My First grow. Some general questions, and would like flaws pointed out :)

    Hey guys, I've been reading these forums for a long time, and planning a grow. I am just getting ready to start that. I've had trouble finding answers to some questions though. Even searching google and looking through. I am planning on buying a steal hydro box. Dual spectreme at least if...
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    Bought a house, have a closet, but also roomates.

    After reading this GROWFAQ I might go soil instead of hydro for my first grow :) Spida, I wouldn't be worried about my shed smelling at all. I'd probably be smoking weed in there anyways if I was working in my yard. Like I said, My roomates know I smoke weed and have a medical card. I would...
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    Bought a house, have a closet, but also roomates.

    The drying process is probably the only thing I hadn't thought about. I guess I could always get a locker with a filter? lol, damn. Or something like this GROWFAQ ? I'm going to get a storage shed for my backyard, but I'd be worried about the neighbors. And part of the reason I'm going...
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    Going to England for a trip how can I sneak weed?

    I've always heard that putting it in your shampoo was the best bet, but in these days, who knows
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    Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )

    Ex is the most overated drug out there IMO. I've tried it 4 different times, 4 different pills, 3 different dealers. All I did was tweak. I got a euphoric feeling for like a 1/2 hour before the tweak set in. Then again I live in so cal where Meth is in abundance, and probably mixed in pretty...
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    Bought a house, have a closet, but also roomates.

    Lol the house is in escrow. Should close in the next 2 weeks. Then I get to pain, and do some drywall work, etc.... I get home from work at 4pm. I don't see a roomate till 8 pm at the earliers for 75% of the year. One of them is pretty cooped up n his room most of the time. I can get large...
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    Bought a house, have a closet, but also roomates.

    Wow all of these have been good, but that thing is awesome! I'm decent with woodwork, but we'll see what I can accomplish. Ok, I think I have just gotten an idea for the frame and the stealthiness with that. A nice lil shoe/clothes organizer. I'm starting to see some good ideas and how to...
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    Bought a house, have a closet, but also roomates.

    Thanks for that. Looking at some of the hydro systems, after initial setup, it seems like it might actually be easier to maintain and get a good grow for a newb like me. Does it take up that much more space doing a hydro system? I think I like the locker grow and the dresser grow. I could...
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    Bought a house, have a closet, but also roomates.

    Well I have my medical card, but I'd still rather keep it low key. I figure in my closet, mixed in with everything else in there and a good filter system, I would be good. I've never done this before so maybe I'm underestimating the smell. I have thought about hydro but think it would be more...
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    Bought a house, have a closet, but also roomates.

    I have never tried anything like this, and have been reading forums forever, trying to figure out the best way to do this. Obviously I don't want my roomates to know, their helping pay my mortgage! I have my closet, and a private space, and just need to be stealty about it. I had thought...
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    Never grown, is it even worth it for me?

    thx man! I foudn this that you might want to check out, maybe give you some ideas for the future. I'm thinking about going with a small growbox like this. this guy is genius with this box.
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    Never grown, is it even worth it for me?

    Its a little more than I want to pay, but, I think it wouuld make me feel more comfortable growing. And peace of mind is priceless :) Maybe I should email the seller with some questions about the unit itself Thx everyone for all the help! Stoned Free Guide to Growing Cannabis. - Google...
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    Never grown, is it even worth it for me?

    thx for the tip. Just looked it up, seems like a fair price if it works :) Does baking soda work during the early process? I'm guessing the smell gets worse at it grows
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    russ0r's First OP

    Hey russor, do you have any more pics of that veggie box? That thing looks awesome, and I just happen to have an old pc with plenty of fans to use, and place this next to :)
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    Never grown, is it even worth it for me?

    Been reading your journal, and didn't want to hijack your thread. Was reading 2 things, the heat, and the smell. How bad is the smell? I wouldn't want it to be noticable in my room, so I'm guessing I'm going to have to do something about that. Whether it be cutting a hole in my cieling (yuck!)...
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    Never grown, is it even worth it for me?

    Thx russor. immensly. I will definately check out your journal, and am definately going to go ahead with it. And, I thought the prices were pretty high, avg is about 65, although they have stuff at the dispensary cheaper, its been really good, and since I started smoking again with the drs...
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    Never grown, is it even worth it for me?

    Hey guys. new here. read the newbie guides, and such, and saw alot of them are on large scale. My situation cannot accomidate this. i recnetly went and got the dr recomendation, and live with roomates. They are ok with all of this. they are ok with me growing, inside since we rent, and my...