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  1. N

    2 1/2 Gallon Buckets for DWC? How small can you actually get?

    I would have to agree you can grow a nice plant is a coffee can sized container. Although if you find changing out a 5 gallon bucket every week or two to be a pain. Topping off a smaller bucket everyday and if you are growing a 3 oz plant. Then topping the water off twice a day will be a real...
  2. N

    BB Blue Cheese fem seed grow in bubbler

    Yeah that does seem to have some pretty nice bud development going on there. The leaves are a little yellow which is normally a sign that the pH is too high.
  3. N

    please help plant dieing

    Yes your pH is way to high and should be about 5.8. The 3 part nutes your using can be uses the way your using it but it normally used that way in flowering. I would highly recommend getting a digital pH meter and not use the drops. As you can see by using them its not much difference between...
  4. N

    BB Blue Cheese fem seed grow in bubbler

    She was grow in a dwc setup and will start to fatten up and put on weight in the 5-8 weeks and I harvested the tops at 9 weeks
  5. N

    BB Blue Cheese fem seed grow in bubbler

    the bud was a little fluffy when dried but the smell and effect trump it. The is was a pic of mine sometime before harvest
  6. N

    BB Blue Cheese fem seed grow in bubbler

    Nice looking plant. Its my girlfriends favorite strain. When trimming it. It has a unique smell that almost burns the nose. I haven't read the whole tread. I found it to be a strain that likes the pH a little on the lower side and is pretty nute friendly. It grows like a sativa tall and branchy...
  7. N

    Hydroponics Emergency--Please Help!!

    Also what's the ppm of your water before you add nutrients?
  8. N

    Hydroponics Emergency--Please Help!!

    Or lack of food. Since the pH is in decent range. Anywhere between 5.5-6.5 and your fine. I like mine between 5.8-6.1 either way the plant wouldn't be showing that much of a sign in the pH range he's in.
  9. N

    Hydroponics Emergency--Please Help!!

    Just my 2 cents but it looks to me like the plant is suffering from a mineral deficiency more than anything
  10. N

    Question on lighting

    Your welcome
  11. N

    Thinking about getting CMH bulb instead of HPS for flowering worth it?

    The GE bulb will however work in most ballast. That's what I've been using and love it.
  12. N

    Question on lighting

    6500k color spectrum is more in the blue and purple. My advice would be to pick up a few. That are in the range of 2700/3500k. I know you said your on a tight budget but for less then $20. You can pick up a few bulbs at walmart.
  13. N

    400 Watt Cool Tube Distance???

    You had me scared though. I was heavily medicating trying to post that last night. Went in search of that same chart. Needless to say got distracted. Anyways use the chart and the hand method in combination with each other and you can't go wrong. Just remember that seedlings are more sensitive...
  14. N

    400 Watt Cool Tube Distance???

    Personally if I was just starting one plant. I would hang a 6500k cfl for 2 weeks. Then switch on the HID, but hey that's just me. To answer the question. Keep the light higher for the first week. At least until you have have some good primary leafs.
  15. N

    Plant drinking a lot! Help

    I also have been using 2" pots in a 5 gallon pale. It is a little less sturdy to move by hand but having a box fan blowing on 2 bushes they don't move any from where you set it. I have a 18 gal res now but before I set that up. Topping the bucket off was just a matter of just sliding the top to...
  16. N

    3 part jungle juice nutrients

    Yes its pretty much is the same. The JJ 3 part is almost the same as the GH 3 part. There are just a little more calcium in the JJ I believe its .1% more. It has everything in it that your plant needs. Just not the correct ratios to maximize the yield of a marijuana plant. But that's where...
  17. N

    What is causing this discoloration??

    and while you're reading that other sticky you can check out all the other stickys that the wonderful people here know their shit and have some wonderful reading and kill some time while your waiting for your plants to grow
  18. N

    What is causing this discoloration??

    That looks like a mag deficiency if watering with epson salts and not seeing an improvement check the pH of your runoff. ... also there is a sticky for diagnosing plant problems and you will see a pic there that looks just like your plant. Its under the magnesium part of the post
  19. N

    3 part jungle juice nutrients

    That's really a bummer to hear. Although I had good luck with GH. I was hoping to try something different with my next grows.
  20. N

    3 part jungle juice nutrients

    Its kinda the same setup but I doubt its the same. I'm still waiting for the jungle juice to come in the mail. Should be here Friday. I'll be able to compare the labels then. I have some GH bottles laying around.