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  1. RedAshes

    little info plz..

    Wow man, so if you are a business student just look up the laws on-line. The info is out there, you just have to look. ;-)
  2. RedAshes

    My First Grow and Journal

    I have also thought about the best way a person could over-dose on pot. It WOULD NOT BE EASY, and you would have to use unorthodox methods of ingestion, mainly, injecting the substance directly into your veins. And even if you found a way to make THC an injectable solution, you would have to...
  3. RedAshes

    Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

    CFL's should not be used, even for house hold lighting, because they give off quite a bit of radiation. CFL's give off more radiation than any other type of bulb. CFL's are bad for the environment.
  4. RedAshes

    Stealth Wardrobe Grow

    I'd like to go to the big weed farm in the sky to collect seeds from strains that got killed off before they could reproduce.