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  1. J

    Help, what is it!?!

    i dont think its the lack of perlite because i never seen a plant do that just because of a lack of perlite..... also your plant is tiny so i cant think it would be a pot size issue..... I looked at pics i didnt see any spider mite dots on the top of the leaves so i dont know how everyone is...
  2. J

    starting a new grow

    140 is not even close enough to grow anything...... You should take that 140 then add about 500 bucks to that total and you well still barely have enough to grow anything....
  3. J

    first time grow update

    you wanna know the yeild from 1 flower not even the whole plant but just one flower?? lol thats kind of an impossible question to answer.... but id say not much.......
  4. J

    My first indoor under 150W HPS. Some answers needed.

    Your Ph should be a bit lower between 6.-6.5 for soil......... your plants look like the leaf edges are starting to curl upward a bit which is usually a sign of Over fertulizing or too much heat.......Those plants are tiny and if your using soil you shouldnt even need to feed untell the plants...
  5. J

    Finally...I'm gonna do it right..well..As right as space permits.

    Hi i just read through this journal and its kinda funny because your title says "finally im gonna do it right" but your not really doing it right at all..... I seen what footclan wrote and yes hes kinda of a jerk about it but hes pretty much right on everything hes called you out on ...