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  1. B

    Pot growing advice

    well since i dont no where this place is i cant really say anything except that, if that island is in the middle of a lake i wouldnt take the chance of someone seeing it and doin some shit to it, its not secluded.....and yes the plants might get too much sunlight and get dried up on a lake...
  2. B

    Phos. Mag. Nitro. NEED A PROFFESIONAL.

    go to any gardening store and get a bag of high nitrogen bat guano, it has the nitrogen phosphate and potassium the plant needs,and add 1/2 to the topsoil every week except for the fushing stage....and for the rest of the n-p-k, at the gardening store get earth juice grow, and earth juice bloom
  3. B

    Any advice for a corn field grow?

    first off, usually i would say tell no one about ur growing, but in times when ur goin away, hav a really good friend help u out, a friend that u grew up with or sumthing and can then they can handle it, just tell them what to for the animals, ur always gonna hav them...
  4. B

    Help!I May Be Busted!

    if ur that worried about getting caught i woudlnt go back (just in case)....if the cops did find it they probly took everything, talked to the people who own the land, and thats it.....find a spot thats where no one can see the area.....but if u havnt been caught yet then i wount be to worried