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  1. B

    PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    Amazign grow! Holy shit. I'm wondering, how's the smell now that it's starting to flower? And does that air freshener leak out of the case and start making your room smell odd?
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    Penyajo's PC Grow. DNA Genetics Sour Cream.

    Ey bro, sorry to hear that your PC grow had to be cut short, but I'm thinking of starting on up and was wondering how stealthy it is. Does the smell stay contained or will it be noticed in the room?
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    First Setup

    Yep, well guess I'll have to try and find out! If I go for it, should I stick to just flouros? That seems easiest and safest in the tight space.
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    Frawsti's PC grow box - AK47xLowrider

    Thinking about starting a PC setup! My only question is how air tight are they? Will the skunk stay in the box or will it be noticeable in the room?
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    First Setup

    Just realized my thread belongs here haha. Anyway, I was wondering if this would be a good idea (as something to do in a cleaned out/new garbage bin) :
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    First Setup

    Was wondering how good of an idea this would be: Idea would be to do this in a new or cleaned out garbage bin. Ideas?