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  1. little chief

    Changing Nute brands , Need Help!!!

    i didn't see the size difference, you're right. It would be more expensive to replace the ingredients that ocean forest provides though. I don't see what's wrong with the ingredients in fox farm? What type of light set up do you use? nice pics!
  2. little chief

    Changing Nute brands , Need Help!!!

    Sunshine #4 is double the price of what I use. Thanks for the info but I use a lot less nutrients because fox farm has so many and it has the worm castings and bat guano already in it. I usually don't have to nute until day 30 of first use of soil. You're suggesting me to double the price I pay...
  3. little chief

    Changing Nute brands , Need Help!!!

    I currently use dyna-gro for nutes and have never tried anything else. It has been pretty good to me but the accessibility has made me consider changing. I've always ordered nutes online but I want to support my local hydro store. I use an indoor 4x4 grow tent with LED and CFL combo lighting and...
  4. little chief

    Th seeds burmese kush purple

    Growing two buku's now. Both different, one looking like an indica the other stativa. The stativa is purple all over. Must be the cold nights. I'll try to upload pics because they are beautiful.
  5. little chief

    storing urine in contact solution bottle for drug test

    If it is at the clinic, pay your buddy to pose as you and go in to take the piss test. Just have him remember your birthday and social.
  6. little chief

    Favorite movie to watch while your baked?

    Dazed and Confused is classic
  7. little chief

    LEDs in PC case?

    Heres my first grow going right now that is almost 4 weeks old. I have it under a 90w Illuminator LED light with 2 26w cfl's 6500K daylights on the side. She seems to be doing great under that light.
  8. little chief

    Witney Houston died

    Its a hoax
  9. little chief

    Witney Houston died

    Your a rumor starter. Stop decieving people
  10. little chief

    Need help with using water

    I do let it sit out for at least 24 hours but only enough to fill a gallon jug. If I need to start over I need to get more water out to sit until tomorrow but I will use what I have if its not going to be harmful.
  11. little chief

    Need help with using water

    I need to water but I'll have to wait another 24 hours if I start over. Thats why I was asking
  12. little chief

    What do you do?

    Thank you for your service sir! I am in the army currently but get out in 3 weeks. (Cant' wait) I messed up my ankle jumping out of a plane 2 weeks ago. Over 30 jumps and the only injury I have was on the last jump. Can't wait to medicate for the pain. These 3 weeks are going to go so slow as Im...
  13. little chief

    Need help with using water

    Thanks, I read that I needed to start over but didnt see the logic behind it as long as it is at the level you need
  14. little chief

    Need help with using water

    I adjusted the PH of my tap water with PH down and dropped it too low then added PH up to raise it again. Should I start over or will it be Ok to use this water?
  15. little chief

    2 fans better than 1?

    Yeah, I always heard to have the fans with the air circulating at the top of the plants.
  16. little chief

    do i really have a problem?

    I found myself feeling this way for about a year. No idea what I wanted out of life and no answers to fix it but turning to medicine to fix these problems. Smoking never fix anything so dont do it to run from your problems. I made a decision to better myself and ended up in the military jumping...
  17. little chief

    Lemon weed???

    You can also add any flavored extract to a watering an hour before you chop it. It will provide the plant with extra flavor and scent. Lemon extract could have been added as well.
  18. little chief

    Should I Transplant Now???

    She is short but healthy. Just wondering if this plant looks Ok since its my first grow?
  19. little chief

    Should I Transplant Now???

    Here is an update of my girl on her 3 week anniversary. lol I never knew growing could be so fun. I'll be moving in 4 weeks and the move will take a couple days of driving. Has anyone had any experience in having to move a plant and if this will stress out the plant too much? Any suggestions...