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  1. P

    1st OG Alaskan Haze and Dj Short BB...appreciate comments

    Now beginning 6th week of flower...should harvest around the last day of April. I had a fungus gnat problem and with the help of the good folks here, they have been eliminated or have diminished greatly. Then a few spider mites reare their ugly preious 2 grows had started with mites...
  2. P

    Believe I have Gnats 2 wks into flower 2 DJ BB, 8 Alaskan Haze. Any Thoughts?

    The dunks I purchased are in small packs that dissolve in water. I've watered with them and top dressed and now brewing AF, kelp, castings and guano w/molasses and have some Bti also. Plenty of tanglefoot catching lots of gnats. A few more days and then proceed to some of the remedies others...
  3. P

    1st OG Alaskan Haze and Dj Short BB...appreciate comments

    Thanks, RisingMoon, I am feeling good about them overall. This is day 24 of 12/12, have encountered a fungus gnat problem and dealing with that. A few pics to enjoy. The first 2 images taken away from the light are best representitive of their appearance. Hairs are all pure white and leaves are...
  4. P

    Nute Damage? insects? some body educated please shed some light

    I'd consider repotting...appears pretty large for the beer cup.
  5. P

    1st OG Alaskan Haze and Dj Short BB...appreciate comments

    My 1st post was lost last week, I have 8 Alaskan Haze and 2 Dj Short BB. I followed Snafu's post after I got the DJ short clones so not anticipating the finest herb as this is my 3rd grow. My soil 'resipe' is organic potting soil, worm casts, mushroom compost, some ffof, perlite, and guanos. In...
  6. P

    Believe I have Gnats 2 wks into flower 2 DJ BB, 8 Alaskan Haze. Any Thoughts?

    Well, the DE has been applied, yellow stickers are in the pots and hanging above. Mosquito dunks are soaking in a gallon of h2o. thanks again to all for looking and replying. Will let them dry another day and apply mosquito dunk. will monitor and reapply. I am posting some pics of the girls...
  7. P

    Believe I have Gnats 2 wks into flower 2 DJ BB, 8 Alaskan Haze. Any Thoughts?

    Girls woke this am looking great. De spread all about the soil and activity seems to be lessened, yet I am sure it is too soon for the DE to have ana effect. I have been letting the soil dry out prior to watering, yet may go another day to ensure environment is as hostile as possible. When I...
  8. P

    Believe I have Gnats 2 wks into flower 2 DJ BB, 8 Alaskan Haze. Any Thoughts?

    1337hacker, thanks. Just saw your post. SGS had no mosquito dunks but expect more soon. Thanks for the info on them. At least they are cheap so going to add them to the arsenal. I appreciate your experience with them. I like Ocean Forest as I like soil and I am amending it with Espoma and...
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    Believe I have Gnats 2 wks into flower 2 DJ BB, 8 Alaskan Haze. Any Thoughts?

    Thanks to all. Just applied DE and looking for some yellow traps. Will monitor closely. Believe this will be an ongoing battle due to organics and also use of molasses. I wonder to what extent the damage potential is. Clearly, spider mites do great damage to crop and hurt yields and...
  10. P

    Believe I have Gnats 2 wks into flower 2 DJ BB, 8 Alaskan Haze. Any Thoughts?

    HaHa, will do. Saw a bale of alfalfa yesterday for about 15 bucks, absolutely adding it to my regimen. Going to SGS right now for DE and kelp and poss fish ferts. I think I'll be good thru harvest but not sure. Will continue to do what I'm doing and kep things moving along. Believe need to...
  11. P

    Believe I have Gnats 2 wks into flower 2 DJ BB, 8 Alaskan Haze. Any Thoughts?

    blueJ, thanks. I am mixing my own soil 'recipe' based upon ffof mushroom compost, Worm casts, Espoma Organics and Biotone, Guanos, lime, HF Tomato and Veg. Teas with the above and molasses and Ancient Forest. Definately still working on it. Will include neem in the future. Felt they were...
  12. P

    Believe I have Gnats 2 wks into flower 2 DJ BB, 8 Alaskan Haze. Any Thoughts?

    OK, Thanks, Bargar. Sand sounds easy. Am concerned about anything below the soil eating those lucious roots. I've had grubs in my lawn and know what happens. Heading to store right now so DE and dunks are on the list. Really appreciate the prompt and helpful tips. My 3rd grow and it's because...
  13. P

    Believe I have Gnats 2 wks into flower 2 DJ BB, 8 Alaskan Haze. Any Thoughts?

    Sounds easy enough. I don't see any problems yet. Have lush, green plants. 1st full organic and 1st reasonably successful grow. Thanks for the tip, roofwayne
  14. P

    Believe I have Gnats 2 wks into flower 2 DJ BB, 8 Alaskan Haze. Any Thoughts?

    The evidence are a few gnats buzzing about, but population mabe increasing. Indoor 1k hps, 5ga pots. I do have half of them in FFOF and I live in MI so possibly this is anecdotal evidence related those accusations. Hope We can move through harvest without any drastic measures. Any experiebces...