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  1. Headhigh420

    Wrinkled growtb

    pic would real help, could be anything from to close to the light or some sort of nut burn. Water PH might be jacked but like I say a pic is worth more. :wall:
  2. Headhigh420

    do you recycle?

    this is when it is good to have a b-b-q
  3. Headhigh420

    Making Pot Brownies (: 5 g's of some cali

    just remember it is not the same as smoking it... Start off eating a small amount then work your way up from there. It will blow you away ten times greater then smoking it for sure.... Trust me don't try to be a tough guy and eat to much it will turn your high into something you might not like...
  4. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    I agree with you 100% that it's not all about the C02 but this is why you have to wait until you start to flower the plant. The colas take in the photosynthesis better then the fan leafs. The less energy your plant has to use for fan leafs it will use for the growth of the colas. bongsmilie
  5. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    That would be there fault if they don't read the full post and kill of there plants. Live and learn & I bet the next time they will learn to read the full post before trying to play doctor to plants they know nothing about. Why get on a forum to learn how to grow if you are not going to follow...
  6. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    it will cause it to bush out more for sure. If you want it to be taller a good trick is to move your light a little higher away from your plant and it will force it to stretch upward. I use 4300 and 4800 lum CFL's that put off no heat at all. You can have them lights on for 24 hours and they...
  7. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    you can water it just fine with out nutts otherwise known as flushing. you don't want to add nutts every time you water the plant. Just make sure you check the PH of course before watering. If you stop by a Walmart the distilled water they sale by the gallon for about .80 cents is exactly 6.0 PH...
  8. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    remember my buds look small now cause they have only been under 12/12 for about 7 days. So there is still a lot more growth to come. I will post you updates weekly so you can see the progress.
  9. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    The trick is to cut off about half of them then a few days later cut more of them off so you don't stress or shock the plant. Think of them as growing in the wild and all the dear and rabbits that eat the leafs but yet the plan still grows. Don't just cut them all off at once but over a weeks...
  10. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    And once again you are not cutting off the food supply just by cutting the fan leafs off once the plants are a certain size... do more reading up on this my friend.. I had buds just as big on my last grow without fan leafs just the same... it all maters on the nutts and the amount of C02 you...
  11. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    About time someone who knows WTF I am talking about... they have no clew that the colas act just like fan leafs and take in C02 just the same..... Thanks for the post of your bad ass plants. Looking nice.
  12. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    I will do... it does work well as I have done it both ways..
  13. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

  14. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    ya remove the privacy on your account and if that still does not work you can upload it to youtube then paste the URL in here for all to watch.. I would love to see what you have going on there. Thanks again and happy growing.
  15. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    whats the good of loading a video if it is set to private and no one can watch it.... This video is private.... waste of space on this page.
  16. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    it's not a bad thing.. get a spray bottle and put a little molasses or honey with some big bloom and lightly spray them in the AM and again in the PM but make sure you have good fan movement cause you don't want mold to set in... Trust me they will love it and you will end up with fat resin...
  17. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    Give it a week and you will see the difference and how much faster and stronger the plants turn out.. I also add egg shells right before I cut the fan leaves. I do this one or two times during the veg state and one last time right before I put them into the flowering cycle. They come out way...
  18. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    Give it a week and you will see the difference and how much faster and stronger the plants turn out.. I also add egg shells right before I cut the fan leaves. I do this one or two times during the veg state and one last time right before I put them into the flowering cycle. They come out way...
  19. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    Tiny buds cause they were just put under 12/12 a few days ago... Fan leafs will grow back faster then you think and NO you don't need to have so many fan leafs if you are feeding them correctly and have proper lighting with proper CO2 flow your plants will be just fine.Also the buds take in co2...
  20. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    Might I add I cut the fan leafs three times so far during the life of these plant... Never had a brown leaf since first started out as clones. Proper nutts and light and leave them alone and you will be a happy camper.